The sun blazed overhead. The hum of machinery at the receiving station signaled it was coming to life, which meant a new occupant of The Pit was on their way. Several guards, all heavily armed, were standing by as a bright light engulfed the platform. When it cleared a young woman was standing there. Seeing the amount of guards and how heavily they were armed made her grin. "All this for little me? I'm flattered," she said before stepping off of the platform. The guards immediately surrounded her. "You really think I'm going anywhere?" she asked while rattling the chains on her wrists and ankles. But it seemed they were not the talkative type. So the long, quiet and very boring march began. Whoever made this place sure knew how to pick scenery. It was desolate, barren, parched, lifeless... everything one needed for the backdrop of a prison. She would have to remember to complement her captor once she met him. The wind blew harshly but she savored every moment. It was likely the last she was going to get of it for the rest of her existence. Unless she was set free... She wasn't quite sure how things worked here. Would she be up for parole if she was a good girl? Not likely. One because of the kind of place this was. Two because there was no way she could be a 'good girl' for long. But until she knew what she was dealing with here she could definitely fake it. Her first sight of the prison known as The Pit did depress her. It looked as parched and desolate as the area surrounding it. Would it kill them to add some flowers or something? A tree maybe? She supposed criminals were not deemed worthy of atmosphere and scenery. She was led inside and to the office of what she assumed was the Warden. Her 'escorts' tossed some papers onto the table, likely giving her name and a list of her supposed 'crimes'. Camira grinned. Well... a few were 'supposed' and a few were accurate. And quite a few weren't even on the list. She tossed her dark hair away from her face, her amber eyes glowing like the coals of a fire. Hopefully the Warden was male and humanoid. At the very least maybe she could flirt her way to good treatment.