Aresa noticed the more firm tone her master gave her when her question was finally answered, catching her a bit off guard, but she knew that it wasn't to be scolding or out of malice, [color=7ea7d8]“Yes Master, I understand.”[/color] Aresa responded, just wanting to be helpful, but she figured she'd get to do so whenever they found the enemy probes she mentioned. She soon started to follower her master with the group of soldiers, being a little impressed that, at least from what she heard, the Republic could produce so many troops, though the CIS were a lot faster with producing droids, the Republic kept up enough to where they weren't losing more soldiers than they were gaining, so that was impressive in it's own right. Aresa listened to the sounds of the jungle, seeing through the force all the energies that were about the planet, it was rather peaceful in a way, she couldn't see how such a planet could have any kind of Dark Side energy on it. [color=7ea7d8]“Master, after we complete this assignment, assuming everything goes smoothly, will there be any other tasks for us or will we be returning to Coruscant?”[/color] She couldn't help but ask, finding that searching for probes didn't seem like it would be a long nor difficult task which made her wonder a little why they were here, aside from finding the Separatists. Amber looked over the group of soldiers approaching them, well at least they wouldn't be doing this alone, not that she expected otherwise nor would it have bothered her, she just was glad to have some backup. [color=f7941d]“Right, thank you, I look forward to us working together, now let's move out.”[/color] She spoke to them and then began to move out on the speeders with them and her Padawan, [color=f7941d]“Make sure you stick close to me Finn, I know that you're excited for this mission and that's alright, but we need to stay focused and close together.”[/color] She couldn't help but add, she understood his excitement, but forgetting about the task at hand wouldn't be good. [@smarty0114] [@Xiphonic]