[h1][b]Derek Quintanilla[/b][/h1] [hr] One of the waiters had barely put his drink down on the table before Derek's friend Dani sat right beside him and snatched it up for herself. He had reached over to grab it only to look up and see her drinking it nonchalantly as if it belonged to her. "Well damn don't mind me. It's not like I was going to drink that or anything," he said sarcastically before giggling to himself. After conversing with one another for a few minutes, everyone seemed to scatter from the cafe and onto their respective classes for the day. Nothing too spectacular happened throughout the day with Derek except promoting the pep rally that was after school. He did have a mild headache which he assumed was from not having any coffee in the morning thanks to Dani. The only thing that was remotely weird was during Biology class when Derek went over to one of the lab table to pet the class pet hamster, Rodney. When he reached inside and took out the hamster, he could feel a tingling sensation in his hand when he held Rodney. Derek couldn't exactly explain what it was and thought he just had the jitters. Before he knew it, school had ended but not before he heard his name over the intercom with other names included to head to the principal's office. He immediately started to panic in his mind and tried to remember if he did anything bad throughout the day. He couldn't remember breaking any rules and he was a good kid. A detention or suspension could ruin his clean record and possibly affect his future. As he began to dramatically freak out, he walked reluctantly to the front office where the others had already sat waiting. He glanced over at Dani who was sitting next to that cute waiter that worked at the cafe. He rushed over and sat next to her quickly, not even taking note the weird things that were happening with the other students. "Oh my god, am I in trouble? We did we do? What did [i]I[/i] do? I have a bad feeling about this," Derek rambled as he looked around nervously. If it wasn't known, he had a knack for wanting to be a goody two shoes.