Carol was having a hard time wrapping her head around what was going on. Dani had pointed out Paul and she had to watch for a while to realize that the boy was shrinking. She didn't really know him so only until she saw it did the reference click. Oliver mentioned several other odd things but not having seem them herself she couldn't really say. Obviously she knew of the things that had happened to her. [color=khaki]"Okay, I do remember a dream and I think several"[/color] Ms. Velmont seemed to halfway melt before their eyes. However she didn't seem to be in any pain and actually was trying to keep things calm. Despite the teacher trying to keep things from going crazy Paul seemed to lose it and suddenly disappear. Or more likely he shrank rapidly as his clothes flopped down where he stood. Dumbfounded Carol ran her hands through her hair and groaned slightly. [color=khaki]"I'm not checking on him."[/color] He was probably naked under the clothes and she wanted nothing to do with that. [color=khaki]This is crazy. Whoever called us here needs to hurry up and explain some things. Alright, so the dream thing seems to be a common theme. It's kind of hazy for me. I remember being on something like a medical table and getting a dose of something. I just thought it was a nightmare from when I was in the hospital or something. What about your dreams?"[/color]