[img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/9b05/f/2016/044/2/f/victarian_by_fenixking13-d9rjoig.png[/img] Victarian left the main courtyard after A had given his speech, walking with swift determination to the only place he knew there would be answers but usually at a cost of some sort. This particular fellow was always eccentric it seemed, surprising and clever and ultimately dangerous as no other foe could be. Memories of him flooded his mind and fear took Viktors heart for a brief moment but stubborn willpower forced him ever forward in seek of solution and definitive answers. Victarian entered the [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_e9WX1Fzd8_e6nNCT-XomDFVNLIohSt-5iJCApDK7nqUVY6XH32OxseZY]waiting room[/url] with a knock and opened the door slowly to reveal the rather oddly decorated room. For one as powerful as A, Victarian had maybe expected some sort of horrible dungeon or the seats to be made of cast iron and pain. Irrational fear or valid thought was hard to determine but he did not dismiss it to be not within realm of possibility. Victarian knocked on the office door softly before speaking softly. [color=fff79a]"Excuse me, sir, I have come for an audience." [/color] Without a response he sat down upon one of the chairs provided and simply waited patiently with eyes closed in light meditation. [color=pink][b]"It is an irrational fear, my boy."[/b][/color] A said from behind Victarian. [color=pink][b]"And my, aren't you quite the eager one? What can we do with someone like you?"[/b][/color] It was terrifying how the professor appeared just behind him, talked to his ear and even seemed to read his mind. [color=pink][b]"Forgive me, but I was out, you see. In fact, I'm surprised anyone would be enough of a blockhead to come visit my office when they had just seen me in the courtyard. I don't like running you see. It is impossible for any normal person to reach my office before you if they are not running. Yes, indeed. Any [i]normal[/i] person."[/b][/color] He laughed a bit. He then walked past Victarian and stood in front of his own [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQw2nwecgO6cZzjVVZZBXdhWnGEVoEoScTNKMB40uqVX7fWDnJiJXGudUvm]office[/url], before opening it. [color=pink][b]"Then, to what do I owe the irony of your visit? I mean, you DO know that angels and I share a past, hm?"[/b][/color] Victarian visibly paled when the voice spoke, aware his thoughts had been seemingly violated but tried to remain calm in the face of overwhelming disadvantage in both physical and magical difference. Instead he put on a smile and stood before dipping into a deep bow. There was no longer a doubt this man knew why Viktor was here. [color=fff79a]"apologies. I hadn't meant to cause you trouble. I've come for a simple request from someone more knowledgeable." [/color] A opened the door and ushered him into the office, closing the door before placing himself at his luxuriously appointed desk. Only when the man was seated did Victarian move forward to sit as he was instructed. No sense playing games. [color=fff79a]"I wish to borrow the folders containing information on the family you mentioned, sir[/color]" [color=pink][b]"I've got to praise your guts, then. Not only did you ignore completely the fact that I was clearly saying that I do not like my office filled with the whole radiance a pseudo angel like you throws out of his ass, but you are also bold enough to ask for the documents that I clearly said I would protect."[/b][/color] The director nodded and then turned his gaze upwards. [color=pink][b]"If there is a God somewhere, I wonder if he plans for people to be this fucking stupid from the moment they are born."[/b][/color] For once, the director seemed truly irritated, despite the never-fading smile in his face. [color=pink][b]"If you truly want those documents, then what are you willing to do? What are you willing to exchange for a deal with this devil, hm? I won't accept your own body as a payment. It is tainted with that filthy book."[/b][/color] [color=fff79a]"I would imagine there are tasks no demon or man would dare try to accomplish. But I fear no such request. In exchange for the documents, offered in good will and not trying to be taken from you, I offer services for one such adventure."[/color] Victarian ignored as best he could the blasphemy of the angels, ignoring any comment about then with stoic determination. Truly A was to be feared but even gods had limitations and this man seemed as close to the title than any. It helped that the mans wording had been that any seeking to take it, meaning by force or theft, would be destroyed. Perhaps he secretly encouraged the bravado of young stupidity more than he let on. Viktor wiped the thought away and simply believed he had caught this man in a relatively good mood. [color=fff79a]"I will not stain your sacred place with my presence any longer than I must. So I ask if the bargain is acceptable, or if you have a different request in mind." [/color] [color=pink][b]"I am tired of your ugly mug."[/b][/color] The man sent the man away with a motion of his hand. [color=pink][b]"Bring me a half-lamia. They are an odd occurrance once every century. They possess a set of legs where full lamias would have the tail of a snake. One was born about 18 years ago in the Amazon rainforest."[/b][/color] He explained. [color=pink][b]"I will allow you to use the teleportation pads to reach the place. Bring me back the girl unharmed and you shall have the documents."[/b][/color] He then approached Victarian, taking his chin with two of his fingers. [color=pink][b]"However, if there's a single hair out of place, a single scale falling from the girl's body, a single scratch in her fair skin, I will flail you alive."[/b][/color] His fingers then extended to take the man's whole face into his hand. If he was wearing his usual set of armor, it would dent a bit when met with the impossible force of the director. [color=pink][b]"So do me a favor and hurt her, will you? There's nothing I'd like better than killing yet another angel. I may have lost my edge over the years."[/b][/color] He then pushed Victarian's head back, almost with enough force to send him stumbling back. [color=pink][b]"Now, get out of my sight."[/b][/color] Gladly He thought, departing the building altogether in haste, eager to be away from such a monster as that. The force of his grip alone had threatened to crush his skull ass really as an egg. What some would give for a taste of that things power he might never know, the only thing he needed now was a Half-Lamia for the Headmaster. The sooner it was done the better. Victarian reached his dorm and entered the humble dwellings, grabbing a travel bag already loaded with rations, drinking water, matches, everything you would need for an extended journey like this had been kept on hand in case of emergency. Ironic that his life was at risk over an assignment but that was life here, to fail was death everyone knew that. Viktor wasted no time heading for the teleportation pads, ignoring everything on his path to finishing his mission. The thought of danger in the amazon forest was all too real, if he were to succeed he would need to be quick and that meant doing this alone. The sooner the better. Viktor stepped on the teleport pad and disappeared to the amazon forest. ----------- THE AMAZON ----------- A brief moment of extreme nausea almost put Viktor out of commission at the first leg of his journey, unused to such travel, but managed to keep himself upright and all stomach contents where they belonged. Victarian put down his travel bag and stretched out the kinks in his joints before his body took on a bright yellow glow and faded to reveal his armor, sword and shield on his back. [color=fff79a]"Lets get this over with, then." [/color] No idea where to look, this might have seemed daunting, but that did not matter at all. The gods would lead him or he would fail. Viktor took off in a run, brimming with holy energy with his shield on his arm he ran at a light pace, hot nor cold bothered him and he felt no fatigue when empowered by his energy. Granted it would slowly deplete but there was a time and a place to gather it all back as needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iarl1oErdpY]Adrians voice[/url] (Use your imagination) [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/f590/f/2016/046/0/d/finished_by_fenixking13-d9pll3o.png[/img] Adrian glanced up at the sound of tearing clothing, craning his neck to see the tantalizing bit of bribery dangling just inches from his face. For what felt like the first time ever he saw an offering and didn't feel the hunger or interest that always dominated the moment. His eyes were a dull red now, the inner fires almost extinguished from his own self torture. He laid his head on the dirt with a defeated stare and groaned, the half-eaten piece of sleeve still went untouched. Words aimed his way met deaf ears as his interest sunk even further from the admittedly very kind girl who had come to him, yet all he felt was like he was being even more of a burden now. To share his problem with another person was torture and he bothered him not knowing why he cared all of a sudden. Slow and steady he put both feet under him, standing at his full height and staring at the sky. It meant severe punishment to leave the schoolgrounds but he didn't care. He began to crouch, legs tensing and wings extending fully. [quote=@liferusher] [Center][color=ed145b]"Now Adrian, how have you been holding up. I don't hope you still think i'm mad about the small accident you made. It was mostly my fault too so I herby apologise."[/color][/center] [/quote] Just as he was about to take off in flight he was rooted in place, not by magic or by command, but by a voice he had been longing to hear. It also dangled socks in her hands. Adrian turned like a lightning bolt, suddenly standing at his full height, his eyes blazed with an intensity he had not felt in days. He snatched the dress piece and the socks and devoured them hungrily, unable to resist his hunger as it took on a new height. He reached out and pulled both of the girls into a deep and appreciative hug at the gift, a smile full of sharp fangs and string greeted them. Oddly it did not stink like you would think it did. He put both of them down and took a hasty step back, aware he had yet again caused trouble. Adrian chewed his fingers and had a sharp gasp at the realization, wings tensed. [color=ed1c24]"I did it again! I am sorry!" [/color] The giant moth dropped to his knees and prostrated again before Reina. [color=ed1c24]"I stopped eating your clothes, and everyone elses, please forgive me!"[/color] He clawed forward like a man gone crazed. [color=ed1c24]"Release me from your curse! I do not wish to feel this way any longer. I will serve you as a familiar, clean your room, anything!"[/color] Poor Adrian believed himself put under a spell to show him the error of his ways.