[color=f7976a]"Lestat? Really? I'm shocked you aren't vapid enough to call me Edward you twihard."[/color] [color=lime]"Aside from becoming freaks of nature overnight?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Welcome to the club, [i]we[/i] have tee-shirts[/color] It was hard to guess or not assume which we he was speaking with as he tried to set his hand on carol's wheelchair handle. A cheerleader and a soccer jock finally on the receiving end of being outcasts. It was about damn time! Unfortunately, his hand phased through Carol's chair, and carol, and he lost his support as he fell through the counter top of the office and solidified on the other side with a crash into one of the computers, shocking his hand and actually teleporting himself back across the room to the rest of the students in a reflexive crouch over the place of the disappearing Paul's pile of clothes. Did Paul teleport too? And was he somewhere naked? Looking back over to Carol, the light did go on from what Oliver said that she did look more muscular than before. Mostly in th face and neck lost its softness and the way she framed her shoulders. She was stronger in the upper body over the last two years of using the wheelchair, but now that he had distance and a cue to notice the way she sat in the chair it was more obvious. Eyes went from Carol to the teacher to see her melting like a candle but speaking in perfectly calm tones. She didn't seem to be in pain, but he still didn't want to risk getting too close so he stayed crouched on the chair with the chains and straps of his pants dangling. [color=khaki]This is crazy. Whoever called us here needs to hurry up and explain some things. Alright, so the dream thing seems to be a common theme. It's kind of hazy for me. I remember being on something like a medical table and getting a dose of something. I just thought it was a nightmare from when I was in the hospital or something. What about your dreams?"[/color] He had to agree; this was getting too freaky, too fast. If someone didn't settle the situation soon it was all going to go to hell in a hand-basket. He nodded in agreement to her explanation of last night. [color=f7976a]Same here, lots of people, strapped down and stabbed with god knows what. Then I woke up. Didn't mind the strapped down part.[/color] The last he added with a pointed look to the cheerleader to get her goat.