Having spent all the time he had up until class started speaking to Lyra, Jefferson realized that he hadn't done his homework for a few classes. Sitting in the various classrooms throughout the day seemingly increased the amount of nausea that he felt in general. At first, he thought it was just some idiot's fault. All he could smell was the wafting scent of a burning trashcan, a scent that he recognized from his time hanging around with the beach delinquents. Throughout the day, whilst ignoring classwork and teachers, he realized that the last time he felt as he did then was when he was a child, riding on a boat for the first time. Then there was an announcement that called him to the office. Did they catch security camera footage of him smoking? Only one way to find out. Almost immediately after entering the room, Jeff was bombarded with all kinds of genuinely surprising information. What appeared to be a pile of clothes, a literal puddle of flesh, and several freaking out students including someone yelling about poisoned water, burnt crops, and halved food supplies! Or something to that effect. Perhaps it was the rampant seasickness that he was somehow dealing with on land, or the fact that someone just happened to light themselves on fire in front of him, but Jeff leaned against the nearest wall to him and began to violently reject large quantities of surprisingly salty water from his mouth. After his body decided it was done pushing moisture from his body, he wiped his mouth and coughed aggressively. [color=aqua]"Uh.. sorry about that."[/color]