[center][h3]Dariya[/h3][/center] Dariya breathed deep, as she stood tall atop one of the many buildings in Gdansk. She also breathed fast, as she had to climb her way up manually in order to get a view. Her beatiful curvaceous figure stroke a mighty pose, hair fluttering in the wind. The big day where she started her role as mankind's saviour had been presented before her eyes... "Let's do th-PTEW PTEW" She interrupted herself as a loose strand of hair smacked her right in her own mouth. Rooftoops were windy. She staggered a bit, almost slipping aswell in surprise. Why did it look so cool in the movies, comics and the such? This seemed much harder than she thought. And she probably skipped the part where she was supposed to receive the instructions. BLABLABLA KILL WITCHES BLABLABLA MAGICAL SOUL GEM BLABLABLA. BLABLA TRACKING. It was how the white cat-bunny thing had sounded the first, and for now last time they had met. Bastard didn't even thank her for her cooperation, despite the whole contract thing felt somehow awful. She felt she had been duped somehow, like cheated by a player boyfriend, or something like that. Still she didn't give more thought, as she nearly tripped a second time. Seriously. FUCK IT. Next time she was going to pose at ground level. She eyed the scene below, as some witch-like thingie was chased by several other girls. Yes, that Kuybey was A PLAYER. She narrowed her eyes. How many this guy had under his beck and call? But of course, having teammates for a rookie could be benefitial. A good impression was essential for the cause. She held out the gem, as she transformed for the first time. Taking several moments she looked at her guise, by posing. "Too damn clingy." She said, as she moved on to the chest area, cupping her bosom. "It's good to have you guys back, too. I missed you a lot! More than my leg, actually. Or the internal organs." She said in a cheery tune. But enough time wasted talking to her own breasts, or admiring her reflection on a polished surface. Business business. She noticed wires along her hands. So, she could do stuff with wires. Maybe she could... Without thinking twice, she began running towards the edge, fists clenched. In her mind, it was cool as hell, such entrance. They would never think she was useless like this. She would be the coolest magical girl/superheroine ever! She would have tons of girlfriends and boyfriends to make up for all the drought she had to endure in the hospital. "WEEE!" She let out a squeak as she jumped, her hand forward shooting her wires in an arc motion. "SPIDERDARIYA..." She cheered, trying to emulate a famous superhero. Except the designated anchor, a lightning rod of the buildings was cut clean in two with the wire. "...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she plumetted down the street, in a clean collision course with the girls down there. [i]Thud[/i] The jolt was severe, but it seemed something amortiguated her fall. A red pigtail was poking out from underside her rack, as she laid sprawled in the floor having bungled the landing. Cursing in both Ukrainian and Polish, she clasped her hands to her mouth, a weak and squeaky voice coming. "I killed the red dwarf." She weakly announced recognising Julia as the victim of her fumble, before crawling out of her position. "OH GOD I AM SO SORRY. I JUST. I.." She added, flailing at the scene. "I AM NEW. AND I DONT HAVE A MANUAL FOR THESE THINGS! I DIDN'T MEAN TO...!"