[@Sohtem] The search had so far yielded nothing, which was good of course. Using any of the darker abilities in her arsenal would come with some risk. Sure she could usually control it just fine, but this world could find it's way in through that channeling. The captain of the squad was on point, directing the group as they searched. Two Clones were covering the left flank, two on right, and one was watching the rear of the group. “Master, after we complete this assignment, assuming everything goes smoothly, will there be any other tasks for us or will we be returning to Coruscant?” The constant questions would likely continue for a while before the new Jedi became acclimated to out duties. [color=a187be]"I believe we will be on this planet until the campaign is over. But there is always the possibility that we will be called for a new mission at any point."[/color] This was the best she could give based on her experiences with the Order. It would have been impossible to be spotted by any not searching using the Force, but she felt a spy Droid in a tree near by. The people who deployed them said nothing about keeping the Jedi presence there secret, but the knowledge of Jedi on the planet could be countered by some nefarious means. Nire pulled out her Saber and lit it. She then launched it at the Droid, stabbing straight into it's core and destroying it. Niremon pulled her Lightsaber back and chuckled at the Clones preparing for combat.