Aresa started to notice a little by her own account that she was being overly questioning and that she perhaps needed to tone it down a little, though he curiosity was always getting the better of her, she knew when to follower her teachers' orders and when to be a little more forward or zealous with anything she may want to say or ask. [color=7ea7d8]“I apologize master, I don't mean to ask so many questions of you, I was just curious is all, it's...just difficult to blindly accept orders without knowing the full details is all.”[/color] She responded back to her master, unable to help herself. Aresa focused on what her master was sensing, the faintness of a droid in the trees and then 'watched' as her master's blade went flying towards it, destroying it's core and disabling it, also taking note of how the clones stiffened up a bit and were scanning the area, well at least she knew they were ready, hopefully that's all this mission would be. [color=7ea7d8]“Hopefully that droid wasn't a scout, if so then it will be noticed not reporting anything back to them.”[/color] Aresa commented, knowing that a destroyed scout droid could give away as much information as if it had spotted them and transmitted that back to whoever was controlling it. [@Xiphonic] ______________________________ As Amber, her Padawan and the clones went through the jungle on their speeders, she took notice quickly to Finn doing stunts to impress the soldiers, but this wasn't a game and they needed to be focused, she didn't want to have too, but she saw that she needed to be a little bit more stern, [color=f7941d]“Finn, no more of those stunts, we need to stay focused and trying to impress these troopers is not being focused, understood?”[/color] She didn't say it angrily, but it definitely was stern to get her message across. She understood, he was excited and wanted to see some action, but from the small amount of time she had been with the Jedi, she knew that it wasn't always all fun and games, nor was it action packed, sometimes it was just plain dull, but there was nothing that could be done about it. [color=f7941d]“Alright, we'll stop here momentarily and scout this cliff to see if there's anyone or anything around.”[/color] She spoke to the clones as well as her padawan, they were about half a kilometer out, thanks to the speeders allowing them to gain a quick amount of distance in a short time. Where they stopped was a cliff that overlooked the jungle, even if they didn't find anything, it'd still be good to check rather than running into any droids that could report their whereabouts. [color=8dc73f]“Yes sir, right away sir.”[/color] One of the clones responded as they stopped, some taking defensive positions around the group whilst two other clones scouted the trees, seeing if they could spot anything, though they hadn't yet, but she would make periodic checks every kilometer or so, perhaps that would be over doing it a tad, but she didn't want to be careless and get both the clones and her padawan attacked by an ambush that she was careless about because she didn't want to stop so often. [@smarty0114]