[h3][center]Livia, Lin, Shikio, and Gall[/center][/h3] Thankfully, it didn’t take the two long to find Lin and Shikio. Or rather, they found them. Shikio probably could find them easily, considering she could probably track fairly easily. Hearing Shikio’s words, she offered a small look of confusion, though it lasted only a moment. Family…jewel skills? Just…what? [color=662d91]“I am…unsure what you mean, Shikio.”[/color] She replied, seemingly unfazed by the odd phrasing. At any rate, it seemed like she didn’t remember what happened at the restaurant. That was good, she supposed. [color=662d91] “But we did have fun, I guess.”[/color] She didn’t press the issue, considering that would probably cause more trouble than it was worth. [color=662d91]“At any rate, I suppose we all received the same task for the Magus games?”[/color] [color=purple][b]"D-Don't take notice of her."[/b][/color] Lin answered. [color=purple][b]"In any case, yes. I think we did. Something that has to do with a sword or something?"[/b][/color] "Yes" Gall said as he pulled the note from between two of his ribs. "A sword." Shikio looked between the two of their parties then just smiled gleefully, something about the situation made her seem surprisingly satisfied. [color=steelblue]"I know what a sword iis ~... Lin has one in his house on the wall. Several in fact, will they do?"[/color] Shikio said, then realized they were kinda far away to fetch any of them right at the moment. Shikio started wondering if this was a task made so she couldn't complete it. Which was obviously some kind of scheme to make her not eat. She hated not eating... Hated books cause they didn't taste well and she also hated riddles. [color=662d91]"I doubt any of those swords would be the one we're looking for."[/color] She replied to Shikio. For a few moments she thought, trying to recall any british legends she could think of. The only sword she knew of, was the obvious one. Excalibur. Everyone has heard of that one. [color=662d91]"Something dealing with British Mythology. Excalibur would be too easy since it's so well known, but mythology isn't my forte, unfortunately, so I don't know of any other legendary swords from the area."[/color] The way to find the asnwer was easy, though. The library probably had all the information they would need to figure out what they were looking for. [color=purple][b]"What Livia said. I doubt a holy British sword would be hanging on my wall anyway."[/b][/color] Funny that Livia had nothing to say about him and the swords hanging around in his house. Most would find that odd. [color=purple][b]"In any case, the library, yes? I suppose you are more adept with that... I suggest we split up. I think asking the pretentious British mage would have some insight into this too."[/b][/color] Lin suggested. Well Shikio mostly tilted her head while wondering why they needed some kind of special sword and how you knew the difference. [color=steelblue]"So... Books will help us find it?. How?... Books only hold words nothing you can track"[/color] she said in her usual Shikio logic approves tone. Shikio started wondering if this was a task made so she couldn't complete it. Which was obviously some kind of scheme to make her not eat. She hated not eating... Hated books cause they didn't taste well and she also hated riddles. [color=662d91]“Hmm…Very well. The Library would have everything we need. I have a…friend, there who could help immensely, I believe.”[/color] She didn’t think talking about anyone would help, in her opinion. She’d prefer to do it herself, but if that’s what Lin wanted to do, she had no reason to object. Plus, having multiple sources of information was good anyways. [color=662d91]“Books can be used for tracking as well.”[/color] Livia replied to Shikio. [color=662d91]“If you have nothing physical to look for, books can give you a lead to where you can start looking.”[/color] She replied, though she wasn’t confident that the wolf would understand her words, but she supposed it didn’t matter. Shikio honestly wasn’t the most intelligent of people, and she had little confidence that any attempts at explaining would end well. [color=662d91]“Shall we meet back out here later to discuss our findings?”[/color] [color=purple][b]"That would be fine, yeah. Still, I can't say I like the British prick too much. And if you think it won't help much, I guess we can help you out in the library."[/b][/color] Lin crossed his arms over his chest as he pondered about it. [color=purple][b]"Chances are he will shoo us off too. Well, I guess we can just punch the info out of him. What ya think, Shikio?"[/b][/color] He turned to his familiar. Last time, it went real bad for him when he didn't consult his familiar. Better ask for her opinion now. [color=purple][b]"Want to go to the library or look for a guy with a nasty glare named Felix Lowe?"[/b][/color] Shikio nodded to Livia and smiled as she educated her. [color=steelblue]"Oh... I guess I have to give books a new chance then if they csn help me find food."[/color] she replied as she thought about it, however when Lin spoke she tilted her head as he told her they could get information by fighting. [color=Steelblue]"What... We can do that?... Well lets waste no time"[/color] she replied as beating the information out sounded a lot faster than trying to beat books for help. Shikio then blushed as Lin suddenly called her love [color=steelblue]"huh... What are you saying Lin... I thought you didn't like saying embarassing things"[/color] she said flushing red. [color=662d91]"Well,"[/color] Livia sighed. [color=662d91]"Must you always resort to violence? It is kind of annoying."[/color] If that's what they wished to do though, she couldn't really say anything. Such a method had its merits, and she couldn't say she hadn't done something similar before, like with the Eraser. [color=662d91]"But if that's what you wish to do, then do it. I'll look in the Library. Arianne, the Librarian should be quite helpful."[/color] [color=purple][b]"What are you even saying, Shikio? When did I... Ugh..."[/b][/color] Lin shook his head. [color=purple][b]"It's Lo-we. A surname."[/b][/color] With an exasperated sigh, he turned back to Livia. [color=purple][b]"Cool."[/b][/color] Lin answered. [color=purple][b]"We'll go look for you after we are done with Lowe. Just lemme tell, you it is not like I want to beat the info out of him. You just have never talked with him."[/b][/color] While not entirely a dick like his rumored sister, Felix Lowe, the strongest magician in the academy was indeed somewhat insufferable. Up in his own world and barely paying others the time of the day. They were all below him, worse than scum. [color=purple][b]"Insufferable."[/b][/color] He said with a sigh. [color=purple][b]"Then let's hurry up and find him, Shikio. We'll meet with you back at the library."[/b][/color] Shikio realized that she had messed up again... Lowering her head she sighed loudly. [color=Steelblue]"Okay... From now on Lin should call Shikio mate when he refer to her lovingly so Shikio not getd confused by weird other names"[/color] she said pouting slightly. Yet as she let it slide off again she figured it was time to leave. [color=steelblue]"Lets go..."[/color] she said short and firmly as she walked off besides him, only glancing to Livia and Gall to wave to them. Livia would take his word for it, then. Wasn't her business anyways. Her business lay in the library with Arianne, the Arachne. [color=662d91]"Alright, I'll see you then, Lin."[/color] She replied, and immediately turned to leave, not noticing Shikio waving at them. [color=662d91]"Come then, Gall."[/color]