[center][h3]Juliann[/h3][/center] [color=yellow][b]"I do wonder, then, how a man such as you was allowed to teach in this prestigious magic school. I at least wish that you hold any strength."[/b][/color] She sighed again. Honestly, why did she constantly get stuck with these kinds of people? At least in her eyes, the man was flirtatous and vain. If he wanted to fix that mental image of Juliann's he'd have to work really hard. And then there was silence. A long, uncomfortable silence. Even the swordsman could not handle this man being so eerily quiet. Was he planning on doing something? Was he going to make another illusion? Revenge for having shut him off in such a way. No, Juliann would get the upper hand. She would put him in a talking mood again. He seemed to be the type to speak a word too much, after all. If he was planning on doing something, Juliann believed he would spout it out himself when he got to talking. [color=yellow][b]"In any case, Cupido... hm, that IS your name, right?"[/b][/color] The woman tilted her head to the side. [color=yellow][b]"I suppose you got a riddle of your own. If you do not mind my prying, what kind of riddle is it?"[/b][/color] [hr] [@BlackPanther]