Name: Essie Holmes Age: 20 Gender: Female [hider=Essie][img][/img][/hider] Bio: Essie is, at heart, a street rat. Born to a single mother, she spent her time traversing the borough of Poplar, terrorizing the neighborhood as a ten year old with sticky fingers and a penchant for sweet things tends to do. It all fell down around her when her mother died at the age of 15 and her father decided to become an active part of her life. He owned a line of hotels from Canada to India, putting him in the one percent of the one percent, somewhere Essie had absolutely no place being. However she just changed her game. Instead of conning for a few bucks, she made bigger cons. Starting in boarding school and then onto college her silver tongue got her a lot of things, but occasionally it got her into a bit of trouble, something her newfound father had no trouble getting her out of. Personality: Essie has a silver tongue and an eye for the expensive, whether monetary or otherwise. She likes to have the upper hand in the situation, whatever the situation may be. She's can be a huge flirt but she can also be the sullen girl who never talks. Depends on the situation. Spirit: The Cheshire Cat Abilities: Cat-like reflexes, invisibility, and air walking. Sorry this took so long, it was hard for me to write her bio and I still don't like it but it'll have to do.