[hider=Black Fox Swift] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-L5iyw0OsXS4/U1rqBRmNRVI/AAAAAAAAHdw/VO7RyMuJX-c/s1600/mercy_ss_sketch_2.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name[/b]: Inola-Kohana (Translates to 'Black Fox Swift') [b]Known as[/b]: Black Fox or Fox. [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Appearance[/b]: Typically wears a mix match of self made tribal and townsfolk clothing. Hand me down leather boots under patched well worn tanned thick buffalo hide full chaps, patched long sleeve shirt with a red fox skin vest over a boyish figure. A thick dark grey neckerchief scarf hides a collection of necklace pendants around her neck of various animal teeth trophies- some small and reptilian while others larger and from those of a howling canine. A well worn dusty, sweat stained black rabbit felt wide brimmed hat hides two long braids of straight thick charcoal black hair and pair of deep set of sorrowful chestnut eyes. Her features are rather masculine with high set cheekbones and strong jawline like her father while she received her height from her mothers lineage, just a fraction taller than 5'6. She carries herself proudly and gracefully despite the harsh whispers of the misjudging townsfolk. [b]History[/b]: Not much of Black Fox's history is known to outsiders she refrains from speaking too much about her clan and upbringing. What she has revealed to The Baron and few select others is she was born into a large native tribe (as youngest with four older brothers) that once resided around the base of the Elenore mountains. Quickly she excelled hunting and trapping large and small game. As the years progressed so did her techniques, when she reached her teens she soon outranked many of her clan brothers and began hunting much larger and exotic game. But her true skills emerged as she began her studies under the tribes 'Grandmother' - The eldest and most respected medicine woman. How she came to Thrivenshell is also a topic of speculation. No one really knows when or why she arrived. She began to make occasional appearances in Thrivenshell's trade centre a few months after The Baron arrived in town quietly trading medicinal provisions and skins from a wide range of twisted worldly fiends. But as time past it became distinctly clear that Black Fox was associated with the Barons Elite. Some say she was bought from traveling slavers and now uses her skills in servitude to The Baron. Others believe she was a gift from the her tribes Chief for safe passage in his travels. Whatever the speculation the truth is only known to themselves. [b]Personality:[/b] Black Fox projects an enigmatic but shy demeanour amongst those not familiar but to those few who are lucky for her company find her naturally curious, patient, strong willed and decisive. [b]Abilities and Skills[/b]: [i]Apothecary/herbalism/healer[/i]- Elderberry for pain relief, thistle tea for stomach aches and feverwort to break a fever. Just a few remedies known but you cannot make what you need if you cannot find it. Black Fox knows the land in its decaying state and is able to scavenge what she needs. With life also comes death and Fox has proven her knowledge with poisons and tinctures. [i]Hunting/survival skills[/i]- Every child of the tribe is taught how to hunt and survive off the land- some track small game for food others like Black Fox are conditioned to track and trap larger more vicious beasts, including humans. [b]Weapons[/b]: Fox carries only two visible weapons serrated bone handled hunting knife and shorter narrower hunting/skinning knife, while she is quite talented in close quarter skirmished her real talents lie within her knowledge of poison flora and fauna. [b]Alignment[/b]: Tries to keep a balance between order and chaos but could be swayed to a particular side. [b]Family or Friends[/b]: No family within Thrivenshell but associated with The Baron and the other elites.[/hider]