[@Sohtem] Finn stopped his stunts at his master's request, dropping his speed and following her for the rest of the trip. He was slightly disappointed about the lack of enemy contact on this trip. He'd expected to have taken out at least four droids by now, although Finn figured this was a good lesson to learn. While it may sometimes seem like the life of a Jedi was filled with epic battles, they had their fair share of basic things as well. Scouting for enemies and the like. When they came to rest at the cliff, Finn went over to the edge, overlooking the jungle. He concentrated, focusing on the Force energy that was moving throughout the planet, trying to sense an enemy. He tried to feel the energy that filled droids, and he felt as if something was directing him in one way. Mentally looking down over the jungle, he could sense something, something dark. He wasn't sure if it was an animal of some sort, or maybe some droids, but he figured he should warn Amber. [color=deepskyblue]"Master, I think there's something down at the bottom of the cliff,"[/color] he called out to his master, trying to sound calm.