[center][h2]The father, Akemi[/h2][/center] [center][b] [color=0054a6] Where is she? Where is she? She should be around here. My sweet angel. My sweet and perfect angel. Hopefully she isn't being taken advantage of... Ah, I found her. He walks near her but quickly turns around. I shouldn't show myself just yet. No. I should wait. Watch her for now. Understand what is going on in her life. She loves me and I need to hide myself for her. I need to make sure she doesn't know i'm here just yet. Haah, haa, haa. He pants lightly, licking his lips as he stared at her. She looks perfect as always, simply beautiful. He could feel something in his pants grow as he looked down at his pants. Oops, I need a bit more self control, don't I. It's fine, soon. Soon, i'll get to meet with her. Soon, she will return to my side. She can't be without me. She CAN'T. Without me she'll break. Without me she'll shatter into a million pieces, like glass. And I can't have that happen. I have to protect her from anything defective that comes near her. Calming down, he sighs as his... hard on goes back down. Akemi lifts his head, looking for her once again. She was just by that disgusting thing... Where the heck did she go? Haa, I have to start looking again. Don't worry, angel. I'll find you and you won't be alone anymore. Haha...HAHAHAHA... It's all going to be okay, my sweet Eli. Your father is here for you now. With that, he smiles and begins to look around discreetly as he steps into the shadows. I cannot wait to see her again.[/color] [/b][/center]