[@Sohtem] [color=a187be]"Better they know we are here then what we have."[/color] She shared as they continued on wards. The lack of combat was easing, the ability to focus on routing through the Darkness was certainly useful. It was probably about time to check up on the others to see how they were doing. Niremon took out her Holo communicator, [color=a187be]"Hold up here, time to report in."[/color] the communicator attempted to contact the two other Knights. [color=a187be]"This is Niremon Cal, I am calling to check in. What is your status? Over."[/color] The scouts may have found an army of a beast and the fort may have been attacked. The report on the droid she dispatched would come later. [i][b]Meanwhile...[/b][/i] [i]Separatist Command ship in orbit above main CIS HQ on Felucia-[/i] General Grevious clanks onto the Bridge of his Capital ship. [color=ed1c24]"Give me a status report on the invasion."[/color] He ordered through his raspy voice. [color=f26522]"The last hold outs of native opposition has been destroyed. But our fear has come true, one of our scouting droids went dark where we suspect the Republic has landed."[/color] A droid informed Grevious who now stood at his command point at the center of the room. A communication came in, a hooded figure stood in blue.[color=f7941d]"Give me a status report on the plans General."[/color] The figure spoke to the kneeling General. [color=ed1c24]"We have total dominance over the entire hemisphere...and the Republic is here, just as you said they would be."[/color] It reported as it rose to look at the hologram. [color=f7941d]"Good. Now initiate phase two of the plan. I will be there in one cycle."[/color] The hologram faded and Grevious commanded the attention of the room. [color=ed1c24]"Release the Hyena bombers and send the army to CRUSH their pitiful Clone army!"[/color] Alarms on the ship went off as the hangers launched 100 Hyena bombers. The closest attack group to the Clone base began to march. 2879 B1-Battle droids, 500 B2-Super Battle droids. 483 Droid Tanks were moving in columns for support.