[quote=Crash]"Ten minutes"[/quote] Ace was still on the fence with this job. The can of beer in her cybernetic hand only served to outline the oddity of the whole situation. She had taken the can, not because she was going to drink it. She wasn't. Not that she was against alcohol. Which she kind of was. Being at anything less than her best while on the job was just asking for trouble. Alcohol was a depressant. It slowed reactions and eliminated finite motor functions. She could almost hear her Mechanic in the back of her head harping at her. "[i]Alcohol deteriorates neurological connections to your cybernetic parts. It makes you a disgrace. I wont fix damage done by booze. You'd deserve it.[/i]" Those words hand't come in at her finer moments. But they had worked. She hadn't touched the stuff since. Instead she had taken the can because it as easier than arguing with the man. And since she had watched those ahead of her take it, she decided not to waste her breath. Anyways, the silence hadn't lasted, despite most mouths being full of beer. It was interrupted by the little girl. She looked like she might be on the wrong side of twelve. Sadly, the age of most Divers. Young. [quote=Gaze][color=f6989d][b]"Cheers. Have to ask... with there being, what, six, seven, eight(?) of us... are they expecting some of you to not make it back alive? Seems awfully much to have so many Cybered up people for a simple delivery job."[/b][/color][/quote] Ace snorted loudly over her unopened beer. She would have spoken but Gorgon did so first. Instead her could have been outer monologue became an inner one instead. [i][color=08E6F9]Sweetheart I don't know what sort of magical happy fantasy land you live in. But they expect us all to die. Sure they hope at least one of us will live to complete the job. But that's best case scenario.[/color][/i] Newbies. Ace snorted again. The little thing was trying to create strife, but going about it absolutely the wrong way. Such a little word play wouldn't bother experienced Divers. All it did was highlight how young and inexperienced she was. "[color=08E6F9]I'll drink to that. Live fast die young.[/color]" Ace raised her beer can in a mock salute in Gorgon's directions. The blue haired woman was someone Ace approved of. The distinctive style was very Sway. Ace was dressed in a sharp counterpart to her colorful coworker. She was wearing her black work clothes. It was comprised of multiple layers, the bottom were full body armor. And it was all covered by what appeared to be a rag, which the hood currently thrown back, but was actually very high quality. Ace liked fine things. No wasn't a word she liked. Which, unfortunately, was the reason she was on this sketchy trip. That, and the pressing reason she hadn't jumped ship when she could have. Her blue eyes flicked back to the words on her glasses. Still nothing new on Ghost, their little shadow Spark. It set her teeth on edge not having all the information. It bothered her just as much as a knife in her back. Still, Kybuashi Enterprises had reeled her in like an expert. They dangled just the right bait. Money and lots of it. Her own dwindling supply had taken a hit last job with unexpected repairs to her arm. And now she was looking at an end to her supply of Neurotop if she didn't tread carefully. She wasn't quite desperate, but she was getting there. Though she was beginning to think she should just walk out next stop. Money be damned. The little box wasn't worth it. But Ace didn't. On the train ride to the assigned station Ace had passed stop after stop passed and she hadn't budged. So she her HUD to find out more about Ghost and Kybuashi Enterprises. Nothing new that she didn't know had been found. But Ace was patient. She could wait to get what she wanted. And now there was less than ten minutes left until the train they were taking arrived. Ace hated fighting in confined spaces and there would be fighting. All because there was something hinky going on. Par course. Her eyes flicked back to her glasses. Pre-system diagnosis had been complete since she had boarded the train, the first one. And five minutes every five minutes thereafter. The last systems check had just finished two minutes ago. She stopped the current check and took all her safeties off. Running the program again wouldn't make any difference. She was ready. She had been ready. Now all that was left was to pull the trigger, so to speak.