[b]Name:[/b] Amelia [b]Nickname(s):[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Show] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/26a9/f/2014/310/f/3/pink_hair_anime_girl_by_miyu_uchiha-d85jngl.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Position:[/b] Brewer [b]Bounty:[/b] 0 [b]Personality:[/b] Amelia is a lively girl who always seem to have an innocent smile on her face. Her presence illuminates the room with kindness and welcomes people into her life with open arms. Her voice is angelic and speaks in a quiet tone most of the time. She would be the last person you'd expect a fight from due to her passive attitude. That is...until she gets a drop of alcohol on her lips. Then she would have a major personality shift. The happy go-lucky girl you knew would go into a drunken frenzy, smashing tables, breaking windows, and above all, she would have a frightening appetite. She is far more aggressive and rude in her drunken state as she will literally hit on the guys she comes across. When her buzz decreases, there's a small period of time where she is in between personalities thus becoming dull and boring, not even reacting to any comical attempts to get her to blink. [b]History:[/b] When Amelia was a little girl, all she could remember was the tavern she grew up in. She remembers serving food, drinks, and hung out in the kitchen watching her father brew some delicious ale. She has never met her mother before, but her father would always tell her that her mother was busy advertising their tavern across the seas. In reality, her mother was an adventurous pirate. Her father kept the truth from her hoping that she wouldn't become like her mother. The time came when little Amelia was old enough to sail out on her own. She wanted to spread her family's ale across the seas and find her mother so they can meet at last. Her dreams are to become the best brewmaster in all the seas and share a drink with her mother. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Not technically a weapon, but she will carry a large pressure barrel of booze on her back to become a portable bar. The alcohol she stores in this barrel is meant to give her comrades a small buzz to help during combat. This buzz will help in reducing the damage they take while at the same time enhancing their physical capabilities. The only time it becomes a weapon is when Amelia becomes drunk and tosses it at anything that goddamn moves. [b]Power/Skill:[/b] Drunken Combat [b]Description:[/b] Amelia can only fight when she is intoxicated. Her strength and speed are enhanced along with reduced pain and numbness only in this state. She will feel the full effects when she is sober. [b]Techniques:[/b] [i]Drunken Step-[/i] A technique that's always being used during her drunken state. This causes herself to become harder to read visually by 'blurring' herself with rapid movements of her body. Whenever she moves, she leaves behind a feint after image of herself that disappears no more than one second. [i]Drunken Fists/Kicks-[/i] A simple kick or punch infused with haki for devastating results. [i]Drunken Palms/Chops-[/i] An alternative she uses whenever punches do not work since it gives a wider reach. [i]Drunken Toss-[/i] She simply grabs her target, spins around a couple times and tosses whatever she has violently into whatever the hell she wants. [i]Drunken X-Chop-[/i] Possibly the only long ranged technique she knows. She positions her arms out in front to form an 'X' and swiftly slices the air to send a nicely x-shaped wind blade at her opponents. [b]Other:[/b] Amelia prefers not to resort to violence. She is unaware of what happens during her drunken state. Amelia was born in the East Blue. At an appropriate/later point in the rp, she will awaken her Bushoshoku/Armament Haki.