The blistering yellow light beat down on these plains white sands heavily. Severt B. Forbes followed wherever the rays pointed. These days did not mean much more to him anymore, but it wasn't something he minded. Forbes had always wanted to see the world his way. It was a shame he no longer had a horse to traverse these treacherous lands, so that would mean camping out more and taking longer breaks under the stars. For now he was calm, a little peckish and hydrated; expect for his hands, charred like leather that grabbed for his waterskin as he took a deep swig, water dribbling down his cheek. Forbes wasn't far from a city, one of the best civilizations he has seen since the apocalypse in fact. It wasn't of his intentions to arrive here, but perhaps he could find something of interest. A number of old travelers he met up with prior to his journey spoke of demons that roamed around this area, and rumors of spirits that now walk the earth in physical form to fulfill some kind of devotion. That was a concept Forbes only partially understood, but could perceive very well. May it be man, monster, or phantom, he was ready for anything. Upon approaching the city a gust of wind blew through the area causing Forbes' worn duster coat to flare behind him exposing the two sandalwood grips of his .40 double action revolvers, and a sack that hangs over his torso via sling. In response his hat was tipped downwards to avoid getting an eye full of dust brought up from the ground below. His toes curled slightly and the wind began to settle down, and his keen eyes narrow to where he can inspect his surroundings and get a good look at the town. Forbes always liked to be aware of his environment and he always was, it made him feel more comfortable. This was a town of an unknown name, at least to Forbes as he proceeded onward into the settlement before him. [i][color=firebrick]Quaint little place it is.[/color][/i] he thought to himself, pondering one slow step after another. I seemed to have a pretty even population, citizens here and there doing their own thing. It was interesting to see how the world moved on, how such simple things could become commodities. By far, this had been the most well off town that Forbes has strolled into since the last two years. Infrastructure looked passable, if not comfy and the feeling of dread no longer hanged over him. A smoothly rolled tobacco cigarette burned halfway down was crossed to the corner of Forbes mouth once he took a long drag and released a plume of gray smoke into the air. It dissipated above him as he wandered to a table of three young, ugly looking folk with forlorn expressions on their faces. For a second he said nothing, standing next to them before speaking in his deep tone that hadn't been used for days. "[color=firebrick]Boys know where I can eat?[/color]"