[hider=BARBERT THE BARBER] [b]Name:[/b] Roberto [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Barbert/Barb [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [hider=Definitely Not Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask][img]http://i.imgur.com/6E8b0UU.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Position:[/b] Barber [b]Bounty:[/b] 0 [b]Personality:[/b] Barbert is a young man with a passion for haircare. What matters to him most is that a person’s hair is well groomed and well cut and he literally won’t stand for any affronts to this principle, whether they appreciate it or not. Speaking of which, a person’s hair will honestly be the first thing he’ll notice about a person if it’s visible, any other traits come as a secondary thought to him. Outside his hair obsession, Barb’s a fair, hard-working, and well meaning man, if a bit absentminded. He’s willing to give anyone a chance so long as they seem worth it, and he’s willing to go to extreme lengths if it means helping people he cares about. [b]History:[/b] Barbert was born to a marine barber of a father and a tough hairdresser of a mother, and raised in his mother’s hair salon on an island in East Blue. Barb’s father was out to sea for most of his life, but he nonetheless admired his parents’ profession and aspired to be a hairdresser even greater than them. The [i]greatest,[/i] even. However, a rival to this dream appeared in Barbert’s teenage years in the form of a competing hairdresser’s daughter. As the two grew and developed their skills, they would often contend over who was better between each other. Eventually, Barbert decided there was little more he could learn by staying in his home and set sail to see what else the world had to offer him. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Two metal scissors, two shaving razors, and a hand mirror. [b]-Power/Skill:[/b] Close Quarters Shaving (CQS) [b]-Description:[/b] A form of swordsmanship taught exclusively to barbers, as it utilizes their tools of the trade. Typically very short ranged because most people don't need to use colossal, made-for-giants scissors or razors. It emphasizes finesse and form over brute strength. While it can be used to maim, its primary purpose is to provide a quick haircut. [hider=Techniques] Assume that all listed techniques can cut hair unless specifically stated otherwise.[list] [*][i]One/Two/Three/Four Inches Off:[/i] An extra powerful scissors swipe, often signaled by Barbert holding his arm prior to striking. [*][i]Fade:[/i] A powerful jumping uppercut that uses the razor. Using two of them would make it a Double Fade. [*][i]Back Fade:[/i] A Fade variation. As the name implies, it’s a Fade delivered from behind. [*][i]Blunt Cut:[/i] A rapid spinning slash that can use one or both scissors. [*][i]Point Cut:[/i] A rapid jabbing snipping attack that can use one or both scissors. [*][i]Reflector:[/i] Utilizes the hand mirror. Doesn’t actually reflect anything except the light into someone’s eyes. Obviously does not cut anything.[/list][/hider] [b] Other:[/b] His father looks like this [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1350/171de3265bcdd5389e63967111d8eda82c8ce016.jpg?1403854]this fine man[/url] and his mother looks like [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1310/39d85c000475f7afbca1462afc5f1673cb8d7817.jpg?1363705] this fine lady.[/url] (Because pictures of older looking ladies are hard to find for faceclaims.) His rival left for the same reasons not long after he did, but who knows if they'll ever meet again on the seas.[/hider]