[color=9e0b0f]"Indeed."[/color] Eric said to his apprentice. [color=9e0b0f]"Hmm... could you go check on the barracks? Make sure it is... barracks like. Maybe mingle with the troops if you can."[/color] The Knight would then walk off to examine the base further. The base was located on a hill overlooking a lake. A wall of metal plates reinforced with dirt and stone gathered from nearby surrounded the base, the base for towers beginning to get set up. There was one entrance into the fort, a gap in the wall, on which three turrets were set up and ready to fire. Alongside the turrets were several metal barricades. Outside the fort clone engineers with the help of basic infantry were already digging a trench. [color=9e0b0f]"Productive aren't they."[/color] Eric said to himself before a voice behind him spoke up, [color=aba000]That they are sir.[/color] Behind Eric was a clone, yellow markings adorning his armor. [color=aba000]ER-1201, clone commander in charge this division of the clone engineer corps."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Eric Betorn."[/color] The Jedi replied, holding his hand out to shake with the clone, who after a moment shook the Jedi's hand. [color=9e0b0f]"Everything well I take it?"[/color] Eric asked, [color=aba000]"Yes sir. The men are looking forward to fighting the droids."[/color] The Jedi excused himself form the clone commander. The barracks would be his destination, Eric needed to find out where he was to sleep, and if his padawan had found anything or one of interest yet.