She wasn't afraid of herself being in danger; she was afraid of herself not being to help those in danger. Especially for the company. Giving a sad smile, Maleficent hugged her youngest godson against her chest while she remained on the ground. Thorin, however, didn't look pleased as he watched his nephew interact with such a creature. He didn't trust her yet, and he probably won't. Not yet, anyway. "I thought we’d lost our burglar", Dwalin suddenly sounded as he found Bilbo safe with the others. "He’s been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us", the dwarven leader spat as the hobbit looked visibly hurt by this comment. Spotting a cave in the distance, Dwalin checks inside the mountain. "It looks safe enough" "Search to the back, the caves in the mountains are seldom unoccupied" "There’s nothing here" "We will rest here", Thorin told everyone else as they entered the big cave. Maleficent tried to stand, but her bruised leg wouldn't give in for her actually do so.