Alyssa had stood quietly away from the main group as they'd gathered around on the bridge. She'd missed out on the last mission due to a last-minute issue with the FRAME preventing her from launching; yet another symptom of the difficulties the panthers were facing, in her opinion. The left knee actuator on her machine had finally shaken itself apart, after being rebuilt so many times and barely hanging on by a thread each time. As the purple-haired pilot listened, she tilted her head attentively as the offer was explained. The lure of full mechanical support and the other perks were good, but she'd heard of other units working with the military incurring massive expenses and ending up indentured to military forces or nations, and becoming all but military units in name as a result. The possibility made her uncomfortable, but before she could voice her concerns, the altercation broke out between Kat and Cecilia. "Oh goodness," she said softly, covering her mouth with one hand before Bentz thankfully broke the uncomfortable tension, and the conversation continued. Seeing her own moment, the recon pilot spoke up from her position near the back of the room. "Well, to add my own words to the discussion, I'd have to say that I have some reservations of my own, but I think that the benefits are too great to ignore in our current situation. We need the supplies and support, I think".