[@Letter Bee] Y'know, I've been thinking... But I highly doubt that the Digital World at large has any truly vested interest or concern on the multiverse at large since if that were the case, the Royal Knights, the Olympus XII, the Seven Great Demon Lords and all the other god-level Digimon and their servants would have directly participated in the multiversal war on their respective sides and thus make the entire conflict run nowhere near as long as 40 years due to the extreme level of devastation that would have made the entirety of all death and carnage in Warhammer 40k look like playground roughhousing in comparison and force the war to stop due the fact that almost everyone on both sides has been killed or walked away and never looked back. And the Digimon who fight on both sides? More than likely idealists, rebels, opportunists and thrill-seekers; a very small percentage of that plane of reality's population.