Nick nursed the caffeine laden nectar between bites of bacon and eggs. As the Coffee entered his system, he began to perk up, steadily fighting gravity and out of his slouch. [i]"This is Lieutenant Mallory"[/i] the colonel said pointing out a new addition to their force, Nick nodded to the pilot, resisting an AA style greeting. Continuing the debriefing, their group would provide close support for the slower craft as they scanned the area. secondly, if enemies were present, they would break off in twos and defend the main ship. Simple mission parameters, beers buy sundown. [i] "Unless...things go all to hell out there, and we end up in a pitched battle."[/i] Nick grinned sadly. "not much wood to knock on in this ship mam." Thankfully the squad would have the lightweight, and tactical advantage with newer craft, knowing the enemy had not only heavier armor, but heavier guns made him wary. In space, mass wasn't as hard to maneuver then in air, so they would have to play their strengths all the more. [i]"That's all. We launch in a shade under ninety minutes. I'll meet you all in the hangar bay to mount up for pre-flight checks. Any questions, ask away or get me on my toggle. Dismissed".[/i] "Aye Aye, Colonel" mike said, much livelier then a few minuets before. Setting off to get flight ready, amassing and storing his gear. strapping on his sidearm, close quarters weaponry, water bladder, and stuffing various survival items in their designated pockets. He already felt weighted, and bulky, but this was only the first stage. Compressing and fitting his suit closer to his body with belts, he got assistance applying further equipment. Spare personal O2 tank in case the hull breached, and padding to make a hockey goalie jealous. resuming his usual self, Nick moon hopped into the flight deck. stopping in front of his fighter and sobering himself, he chatted with the lead tech, and began the final assembly. climbing up the short ladder was less then graceful as bulky as he was now. Nick felt a bit useless as the practiced techs strapped him in tight, a task that the bulky padding made rather difficult. A final fit and flight check showed all systems green. as alarms blared, the techs bailed off the fighter and staged for the drop, the after images in nicks vision slipping back together and smoothing everything back to normalcy. returning to the fighter, they closed the canopy, and he checked the pressure in the cabin, exchanging a thumbs up, the crew motioned for the launch personnel to load the fighter. with a odd lurch and a swing he never could get used to, the fighter was placed onto the rail. [i][/i] "Control, this is Wylde Fyre 7, understood, holding for launch." mike replied. [i][/i] "Wylde Fyre 7 to Lead, read you loud and clear, all systems green, just waiting for them to light the way for me, I got lost once." Nick replied, hoping to ease up the stress of their first launch.