[@Ogobrogo]Ah, finally! Here some the questions! The humans fall in the teen/young adult/adult category, all with diver certification. Most of them are adult, and if they're younger they're usually supposed to be working with an older member of the group. Preteen or child characters would probably not be accepted unless you really come up with something good for background, otherwise I'd ask that they be aged up some for this RP. Generally speaking, the monsters actually HAVE NOT seen any humans before the first dive team, unless you count books...book which are usually scarce, soaked through when found, and have to be restored with magic before they were at a quality that could be read from. Yeah, I feel like most restored books are kept in a public library, so everyone gets a chance to read. The barrier is implied to be different, humans actually couldn't have entered into the underground when all of the sealing weapons were still in place, though any living being stuck under the barrier now still can't leave. Monster are not entirely aware of how to break the barrier, not that it would help a number of the monsters trapped in the underlake, as only 60% (more or less) have some form of aquatic affinity. The only ways out after the barrier are down involve a lot of swimming. There were probably more monsters with a non-water affinity at some point, but after the Mirth Valley was flooded, too many of them had lost hope.