Name: Cesare Roma Nickname(s): Age: 19 Gender: male Race: human Appearance: [img][/img] Position: Captain Bounty: 0 Berri Personality: Roma, despite not appearing to be the most intelligent person, he has a high aptitude for combat and has street smarts. He is mouthy and tends to be to disrespectful so he tends to make enemies. He has no respect towards authority, therefore has no respect towards the Marines because of their authoritative power. However he may respect an opponent to some degree if they earned it. Roma also has a love for fighting anyone tough, heck he'll fight someone even stronger than him even though he has no chance of winning just to become stronger. He would never let anyone get between a fight he was in and he would never involve himself in another person's fight. He is fearless and if given the chance he would go to hell and back and then do it all over again if it meant to achieve his goals. Even in the face of death he will never waver with fear for a second. A natural born leader, he is able to keep his head cool during situations that require more finesse rather than his fists despite the fact that he would rather smash all of his problems away with his bare hands. His loyalty to his crew and friends are second to none and he will fight for them even if every single bone of his body was broken. If they are harmed then he will be damn well sure to avenge them. In battle, he is ruthless and will proceed to beat the living day lights right out of his opponents and he is not above anyone to use cheap tactics to win a fight as long as he wins. He has a belief that a fight should be only one on one, but besides that anything goes. He is able to develop tactics in battle and has a natural fighting instinct. His thirst for adventure is unquenchable. If given the opportunity to go explore something unknown or head to somewhere amazing he will take it even at the risk of his life and others. History: Roma is the son of a naval officer and a baker at a local bakery. For him life was always normal; he went to school, helped his mother bake bread at the bakery, and then he would sit in his room with his telescope waiting for the day when his father would come home from the sea. His life was couldn't have been simpler although one person in his life that influenced him to the man he is today; his grandfather. The old man was once a captain of a group of pirates and every night before Roma would go to sleep, his grandfather would tell him stories of his amazing adventures in the Grand Line and deep in the New World. Mermaids, a civilization in the sky, and so so much more continued his to fuel his conviction to go out to sea and become a worthy seaman. His father however wanted him to become a Marine while his grandfather encouraged him to chase his dreams and become a pirate, a man who is free and bound to no laws. His mother didn't want him to become either of those things since Roma could die if he was one of those things. She wanted him to do something that was safe though she knew that he wouldn't follow those wishes. As a young lad, Roma had a favorite tale that his grandfather told him; the Ciudad de Fantasia. A city of great wealth and magic beyond anyone's imagination deep in a mystical sea that's beauty puts shame on even the most beautiful sights. It was a city where wishes came true no matter if they were good or bad, a place where ones' deepest desires are granted. The story would always end with the city disappearing for an unknown reason and no matter how much he asked it would never be answered. If anything this story is what drove Roma to wanting to sail the high seas as a pirate. To discover the unknown mysteries of the world and the places that were only said to be a tall tale. To be free and see the world was all that young Roma could've ever wanted in life. His grandfather saw that clearer than anyone in his family and encouraged him to follow the path of a pirate. The pirate world is a cold, cruel place to survive in and his grandfather knew that all too well. The sea is a place for only of the strong and he wanted to help his grandson survive out on the seas in anyway he could as any caring grandfather would for their grandchild. On Roma's tenth birthday his grandfather presented him with the Chew Chew Fruit, a treasure that he had been saving all of his life after his friend who found it in the first place died in battle. This goes without saying that his parents didn't know about this and they sure got a shock when they saw that their son was secreting gum. While there was some disagreement about the morality of giving a ten year old superpowers and having to go though the trouble of learning how to control it, life was good. He was still a regular kid who made friends, went through school despite not having the best grades in the world, and had a loving family. Over the years he started to grow out of the idea of being a pirate; what's the point of hunting after places that most likely do exist and getting killed over it? The idea didn't seem too appealing to him. Still every now and again one would catch a sparkle in his eyes when he talked about the sea. His grandfather wouldn't wake up; he passed away in his sleep in the middle of the night. It was such a major blow for Roma, the man that had been his influence, the one to encourage him to chase after those wild dreams he used to have. While looking through his old belongings Roma found the storybook that his grandfather used to read to him all the time when he was a child.The Ciudad De Fantasia, what a child's dream. There were people searching for it all over claiming that it exists with little proof that it even does. How stupid could you get? That's when a folded piece of paper fell out of the book. Out of curiosity he picked it up and unfolded it to see what it contained. What it did contain was a message from his grandfather. It told him that the city is real and that he should truly chase his dreams. Life is too short to not experience to the fullest. To help him with this journey The words in that letter floored him. Could he truly take his grandfather's word that the city is real? Was this a fools dream? Still...his excitement couldn't be contained and left to go chase his dreams. That is how our journey begins. Weapon(s): none Powers/Skills: -Name: Chew Chew Fruit -Description: Whoever eats this fruit is a Chewing Gum Human, meaning that person is made of gum. The person's body can stretch out and move in ways that a normal person's body wouldn't be able to. Regular bullets and cannon balls will only make his body stretch out and send them right back. When he activates his powers, his body secretes a sticky substance that can be used in multiple ways. He can create nets made of gum that catch projectiles to send them right back his targets and even capture said targets. He can use the substance to stick onto things, which can come in handy when it comes to climbing places or keeping his grip on a target. He can send large wads of gum at his opponents in order to forcibly stick them in one place. It's truly only limited to his imagination. However, Roma has yet learn certain aspects of his powers. Techniques: Gum Revolver: Roma throws a devastating punch augmented by his stretching abilities. Gum Sweeper: Roma sends a round house kick that stretches out, allowing him to hit multiple people at once. Gum Crashing Axe: Roma puts his hands together and stretches them up into the air and then swings them straight down to his target, smashing them straight down to the ground. Gum Mallet: Roma excretes gum on his palms and grabs his target, stretching his arms as he lifts them up and then slams them straight down to the ground. Gum Howitzer: Roma compresses his legs and then releases them like springs, allowing him to fly towards his target at higher velocity and ram his knee in his target. Gum Net: He secretes gum from his hands and stretches it out, allowing it to catch projectiles en-masse and send it flying back to his targets or he can even trap multiple people at once and then fling them back. It can be set up to catch falling people as well. Gum Sticky Sole: Roma spits out chewed gum on the ground and when someone steps on it, their foot is stuck on the ground and keeps them in place for a short time. Gum Wad: Roma spits out a large wad of gum and it hits his target, it will pin him down against whatever surface the targets happens to be near. Gum Cannon: Roma chews a piece of gum and creates a bubble the size of a cannonball. It is shot at its target and when it hits its target, it pops and creates an explosive blunt blast of air. Other: He's surprisingly tidy.