(I know the Expanded Universe got removed by Disney but I'm taking a lot of history from that and the films until told otherwise, details like the Chiss being unusual and from the Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions of space, not really seen much by the common Republican.) Let me know what you think! Name: Mish'Than'Akuun Species: Chiss Age: 42 (by human standard) Appearance (Description or picture or both if you prefer, please no anime pictures): (General idea of his appearance, I'll go into more detail if the core character is approved) [img]https://shahizzle.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/chiss-swtor.jpg[/img] Character Class: Soldier/Mercenary/Bounty Hunter (Take a look and see what you'd class him as) Rank/Title: (Formerly) Commander, (Alias) Blue Equipment: Heavy armour cobbled together from different sources, helmet with internal HUD and rebreather functions, utility belt with emergency rations, multiple knives, grapple chord, comlink and macro-binoculars. Two heavy duty blasters on hip holsters (blue blaster bolts). Character's Alignment: Gray area/neutral. Force Sensitive Y/N: Y (barely) Skills: Military tactics, gunslinging, stealth & reconnaissance, retrieval (of people and objects), self-preservation, bargaining, Force Ablities: General luck and intuition of how situations will go. History: Mish'Than'Akuun (commonly called Mish by those who get to know him) entered known space from the Unknown Regions shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. He soon set himself up as a bounty hunter where he became known for his attention to detail and commitment to his assignments. When the Clone Wars began Mish'Than'Akuun's short rise to prominence (and the absence of high-achieving bounty hunters following the death of Jango Fett and the uncertainty of the profession) gained him the notice of the Separatists. Originally hired for occasional specialised missions by members of the Separatist leadership, Mish'Than'Akuun grew to sympathise with the members of the Separatist planets being overrun by Republic forces (and having had little experience of the galaxy before war, assumed that the Republic and the Jefi were abusing their authority and so the Separatists were justified) and actually joined the CIS on a military basis. By the end of the Clone Wars Mish'Than'Akuun was a commander in the dwindling army. He was fighting on a remote front when his division of droids shut down. (I'm assuming the shutdown order for the Separatists was still given regardless of Palpatine's failure, if not please tell me!) Managing to escape the planet and the Clone pursuit, Mish'Than'Akuun discovered that the war was over and his side had lost. For the past five years Mish'Than'Akuun has been hiring his services out as a mercenary for hire. In the ensuing years he has worked for most factions in this new status quo from moisture farmers to senators. He still has a deep mistrust of Jedi and is a believer in the potential of the common galactic citizen but is motivated primarily by his credit account.