[@Caasicam] [color=gray][b]Jason Alexander[/b][/color] I looked down at the distinctly feminine voice, because it is, without any lies on my part, [i]always[/i] a girl who this happens with— [color=gray][i]Ascetic Arts:[indent](The 108 Skills of A Loner):[/indent][indent][indent]Confrontation Buster Series: Stink-Eye.[/indent][/indent][/i][/color] —and affixed her with a deadpan stare. One of my specialties for warding off people who felt like being shitheads first thing in the morning. Not that I agree with the common assumption that grouchy, morning me is any more or less repulsive than my usual self, or that any of my selves really are at all (I especially think my cleaned-up self is dashing as can be), but, hey; I've got a weapon I don't always like, yet it still works. That'd be a dangerous line of thinking for someone like Harken. Another of my admirable traits: I would never act upon my evil ambitions if I had them. I always get chastised and reprimanded by those around me for hating work, but the joke's on them. My low-energy sensibilities and emphasis on efficiency are arguably some of the most effective weapons I have from turning to villainy, since even if my self-awareness should falter, planning a massacre for a massacre's sake would be boring, pointless, and stupid. As for the girl standing at a whooping clavicle height— No dice. She wasn't buying it at all. Like she didn't even register my patented glare, my indomitable "Stink-Eye". Or, for that matter, anything besides the crown of my head, as opposed to my eyes, nose, or anything that could really be called my face. Just staring right in my direction. Rather, looking. I noted there wasn't any sense of focus with her gaze up. No focus. Which, to use a term this girl wouldn't be able to appreciate, put things into perspective for me. [color=gray]"No. You are, though."[/color] Two statements of fact. Them being such, I spoke flatly and with nothing overly acerbic. For me.