[@Major Ursa] Alrighty. Thanks for answering me questions ^-^ Now I'm more intrigued than I was before. Go figure. ANNNNYYYYWAAAAY, I think I'll go with a human just to balance things out slightly. But Dad-bro just barely beat out Old Goblin-bro. Well, without further blah blah blah... [hider=The Family Man] [centre] [color=SpringGreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] Elijah Sylvester Collins Goes by Eli [color=SpringGreen][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1438/1aff97af10373c0fdacb2962370d0a15cbb0c473.jpg?1506512[/img] At just about six foot tall and one hundred eighty pounds soaking wet, Eli isn’t exactly the most intimidating guy on the block. Couple in the man’s soft, perpetually smiling face and you’ve got yourself a harmless wabbit, doc. The proud father sports a head of sandy blonde hair, neatly combed back more often than not. The hairline is starting to creep back along the hairline, and the guy’s found more than a few gray hairs in his mane. His eyes are a lush green, a carbon copy of his daughter’s own peepers. His eyesight though...well it could be worse. Probably. Or not. In any case, he’ll hardly be seen without his red rimmed glasses. And if he is...well, he probably can’t see you. Have fun! [color=SpringGreen][b]Soul Color:[/b][/color] Green [color=SpringGreen][b]Bio:[/b][/color] A commercial diver by trade, Eli spends much of the year away from home, usually on some rusty old offshore rig. Or perhaps the better phrasing would be, below some rusty old offshore rig. Wielding. Sure, it’s not his only job, but more often than not, it’s what he’s doing. And then after a few months there, he’s at home waiting for the next job. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. It’s not so bad, being at home for long periods of time. Eli relishes the time he gets to spend with the kids and the wife. But the home life, even one as pleasant as his, can become quite dull and monotonous overtime. As such, Eli plies his trade in the only way he knows how: volunteer rescue diving. More often than not, it translates to nothing more than just another card to carry around but...but sometimes, it could mean so much more. It could mean the difference between life and death. And as for this crew missing for a month now? Well, Eli has swore to find them and bring them back home. For the families that miss them so dearly. [color=SpringGreen][b]Relationships:[/b][/color] -Lucy (Wife) -Lydia (Daughter) -Jordan (Son) -(Red Soul: TBD) -(Orange Soul: TBD) -(Yellow Soul: TBD) -(Blue Soul: TBD) -(Indigo Soul: TBD) -(Violet Soul: TBD) [color=SpringGreen][b]Skill:[/b][/color] Strong swimmer Excellent cook Dexterous hands/Handy [color=SpringGreen][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Wetsuit [*]Diving Gear [*][hider=Family Photo][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1453/sample_5cfe1a17789018f835d7da97540b6713454d0324.png?1522153[/img][/hider] [*][hider=Dive Knife][img]https://www.padi.com/Scuba-Diving/uploadedImages/Scuba-Diving/Pages/Courses/About_scuba_gear/Dive_Knife.jpg?n=6974[/img][/hider] [*][hider=Diving Multitool][img]http://www.scuba.com/_homepage2012/images/category/headers/misc4.png[/img][/hider] [/list] [color=skyblue]Papyrus' fabled blue attack is blue. Whodathunkit?[/color] [/centre] [/hider]