"You make many many fair points. I will defer to your knowledge on slaves, as most of my time as a slave was in mines. I was mostly thinking of the idea of playing you as captured by my own hand since that's what I'm going to have to tell my Mistress when she contacts me." I say, thinking aloud. Another thought occurred to me, a rather worrying thought. [i]We should probably work out some plan for when that call comes...[/i] "We might have to start our act a little sooner than expected. She will probably want proof of your capture... If you're good enough, she might leave us be. I might be able to beg her for you as my reward, as our act to her, for the sake of keeping our alliance going and under the imperial radar. All that's left is figuring out exactly how we're going to go about that act." I finish, a note of worry and uncertainty creeping into my voice. "For our plan to succeed, we have to convince her you're mine. If she thinks otherwise, she will call me back right away. And if I don't return, she will send others. The Empire will be made known of our presence, and we will loose our greatest asset: surprise."