[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v7O1xQw.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] K [b]Personality:[/b] K is a mischievous and downright annoying monster, who is nonetheless charming in her own unique way. A good source of japes. Ruthless. [b]Bio:[/b] K is one of the last remaining Boss Monsters in the Underground, having been essentially adopted by the land's inhabitants after the untimely death of her two parents. As a Boss Monster whose parents died before she was mature, K has never grown past her child state, and will likely remain small and frail until the end of time. Despite this, she has sworn to destroy anything that threatens her and her new family's peaceful existence. Even if that something might be the thing to free them. And even if she's only up to their knees in height. Did I mention she's short? [b]Relations:[/b] Her family is all of the Underground. They are all her friends. [b]Skill:[/b] Legendary reaction time. Good at running away. [b]Weapon:[/b] Her fists. [b]Armour:[/b] N/A [b]Fight:[/b] K is a fast, frantic fighter who overwhelms opponents with a barrage of lightning-quick and hard-to-dodge attacks. Her signature K-O Punch can defeat enemies in a single hit. Her gimmick is that she can accelerate and decelerate speed of battle. Her magic is Red. [b]Act:[/b] >Check *K 99 ATK 0 DEF *Punches in spurts. *If she hits you, it's going to hurt. >Talk [i](Depends on your relationship level with K.)[/i] >Bribe [i](Different effects based on amount paid. If greater than 20 Gold, K will flee. Usually.) (If you give her exactly one gold, the battle gets harder.)[/i] >Gift [i](Different effects based on what items you give. Improves your relationship with K.)[/i] [b]Mercy:[/b] Can only be spared when fighting alone. Requires all other Monsters to be spared first. Wants to see your DETERMINATION. [i](If the opponent has killed a Monster, she will not accept their Mercy.) (Tends to run away if she's the only enemy remaining.) (Secret Mercy Methods: "World Domination", "I Dated The Goblin", "Fight Club".) (Blue.)[/i]