Darkness surrounded him, he drifted through an endless sea of nothingness, the abyss that haunted his sleep. the abyss from which The seer spoke to him.. Devoid of sound his screams fell on deaf ears, he gave up long ago.. Devoid of thought his mind felt numb, only memories were left.. Devoid of hope he waited for escape, escape he felt would never come. Time was a lost notion, month, years, decades, Thadeus knew not how long he had been in this void, nor how much longer he’d be here, but he didn’t care, the emptiness had grown on him, there was an odd sense of peace to be found in here. [color=MediumSlateBlue]“Rise human.. Your body is free”[/color] A familiar chorus came from the distance, echoing, hundreds of voices, shouts, whispers, cries, all distorted, chaotic, yet strangely harmonic as they spoke. and as they faded away he felt his body jolt, and suddenly, he was falling. falling through darkness and below him, he could see light, the light got closer and closer, and eventually, it enveloped him. His eyes opened and his body moved for the first time in so long, he instinctively attempted to get into a sitting position, but was met with the cold hard surface of the coffin lid knocking him back down again. [color=DarkGray]“Perfect way to get up..”[/color] Thadeus muttered a curse as he rubbed his head, he lay there in the cold surface of the coffin for a few seconds, adjusting himself to the light that seeped in. this time he reached up to meet the lid, pushing it, it took him a couple of attempts but eventually it slid of hitting the ground with a loud thud. Time sure had taken it’s toll on his surrounding, roots had cracked into the one polished mosaic floor, slithering their way in and out of the ground, vines and moss populated several parts of the room and a layer of dust covered it all like a veil. [color=DarkGray]“I need a drink...Something strong preferably”[/color] He muttered to himself as he continued observing his surroundings, and that’s when he saw a figure, in the far side of the room it walked towards a hallway. [color=DarkGreen]"Hello? Who is that? A friend, I would hope."[/color] Thadeus thought of saying something, but was caught of guard as another voice spoke, he couldn’t quite figure out where this voice was coming from at first glance. it seemed to be coming from above, but some vines covered his view of the figure. "Hey! Up here! Can you see me?!" He decided to wait a bit before making his presence known, slowly making his way closer to them, not saying anything yet.