I mostly post in a different forum, mostly, but I'm trying to figure out a good system to do a little RP set about an X-Com 2 campaign. The part I'm having trouble with is figuring out how to handle the battles and decisions about how to spend different resources. Right now I'm favoring an idea where everyone makes a few characters and gives them rather rudimentary backstories. It's fitting to the setting and makes it easier to deal with character death IMO. The nature of the game means a lot of characters would die, so I think it would be interesting to see players RPing their surviving characters dealing with being involved in a long war that takes the lives of many of their friends. So everyone makes a few characters. Someone, possibly me, puts together a squad of 4-6 characters and then I play through the mission and make a post out of the mission results. Basically turning every mission into a post. Perhaps rotating the battle write ups between any posters who'd like to participate, in which case I would send them a summary of what happened. Who missed a lot of shots, who made really clutch shots, who died, who was wounded, who panicked, etc...and they could then create that mission post. Resource expenditures is really what I think would be problematic. Money spent today can't be spent tomorrow, so I'd just have to hope that everyone was considerate of one another, although being too frugal could cause problems too... I don't know. I think if it worked out properly it could be pretty cool, but I'm rather stuck with it. There's also the issue of people being willing to participate in an RP where any of their characters can die at any time and it wouldn't necessarily be anyone's fault. I think that's a huge part of the atmosphere but... Also, BadJuJu, I really like your idea and I can see where you're coming from in regard to the stereotypes. H.P. Lovecraft was pretty bad that way, but even knowing that it was a different time reading those parts of his stories is pretty cringe inducing. I think you'd be better off either leaving those characters out or turning them into something different. Perhaps instead of being little more than comic relief they're more involved in the expedition. Something more akin to sherpas than what you described. They know the area, they know the dangers, they'll help you out for a price but if you're simply to stupid to leave they just might leave you to your fate.