The battle was certainly going lopsided in favor of squad Quinque, Heike observed from a distance. Was the element of surprise really so vital for their strategy? Could his squad have beaten them back this easily if they hadn't been caught off guard? The thought, frankly, pissed him off. Having freed his hands, and spotting no immediate rescue forthcoming, he prepared himself to make his way towards the squad when he caught movement out of the corner of his eyes. He ducked under the grab of the bandit who snuck up behind him, and slammed his head upwards, smashing it into the brute's nose. Oh yes, he was pissed off. "[color=FACC2E]Son of- you [b]BITCH[/b] I'll fucking cut your [i]guts[/i] out for that![/color]" With blood pouring out of his nose, and tears in his eyes, the bandit gripped his axe and prepared to swing, but an enraged Heike lunged at his throat instead. The axe flew wide as the two lost balance and began tumbling down the slope, each trying to strangle the other, towards the raging battle below. ***** Emboldened by their leader, the bandits charged forward in spite of their recent losses. They were out for blood now, and Tybalt's attempts at getting their attention had paid dividends. One bandit threw a hand axe at him right as the companion of the one he burned earlier, filled with rage, charged him from the side. Another of the axe users was trying to use his size to break through Diana's guard, willing to take a hit to take her out in one swing. For now, they ignored the Wyvern rider who had caused them so much trouble while she was preoccupied with her latest kill. The flanking maneuver may have been a mistake after all, it effectively evened the playing field of the current battlefield, and allowed the bandits to retain their momentum in spite of the losses.