One would normally wake up feeling refreshed, but this was not the case for Genevieve. Then again it wasn’t a normal sleep she had just woken from. Her whole body was stiff, and felt heavy. Taking a big breath started coughing, her lungs felt raw and dry, as if they were full of dust. She opened her eyes, but could see nothing, as it was so dark inside the coffin. All she could hear was the repetitive sound of water droplets hitting stone. She felt different, her body was different. She pushed hard against the lid of her coffin, but it did not budge an inch. She was not claustrophobic, but panic nonetheless was starting to set in. Why was she awake? Why was she not dead? How long had she been locked away in the stone? She took another deep breath, and used all the strength in her legs to kick the lid off her coffin. The lid clattered to the floor, making a loud echoing sound. She sat up and leaned over the edge of the coffin, doing her best not to hyperventilate or start crying. Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. That’s when she noticed her hands; they were different, longer and more slender. However long she had been in the coffin, time had not stood still like it had for the others, it had only slowed. She had been thirteen when she was put into the stone, just a little girl. Jeanie looked down at her body, her legs were longer, her baby fat was gone, and she had breasts. She had the body of a young woman now, so she assumed she had to been in stone for around a decade, but her surroundings beg to differ. The place was overgrown with tree roots, moss, and weeds. The floor was cracked and eroded. Ivy and vines grew up the walls. She clumsily climbed out of the coffin, and stepped awkwardly on to the floor into an ankle deep puddle of water. The broken pipe above was the source of all the stagnant water surrounding her coffin, and it had been what was making the dripping noise. She wore a green longsleeved dress that was now two sizes too small, making her all the more uncomfortable in her new body. She had no idea what was going on, and seems to be completely alone until she heard the others voices, and someone singing. [color=bc8dbf]“Hello?”[/color] She said hesitantly to anyone that could hear her. She was surprised to hear her voice sounding so grown up, she sounded like her mom. Thoughts of the last time she saw her mother flashed into her mind, and she subconsciously reached for her neck, and ran her finger over the three scars. She looked around her surroundings and spotted what looked like a man in a mask, he was far down the long hall of coffins from where she stood, but she instantly hoped that he didn’t notice her. Remembering that she was in the stone, a place full of murderers, rapists, psychopaths, and dark magic users she regretted announcing her presence at all. She wondered if she could hide, before anybody tried to kill her.