[center][h3][color=f7976a]Tybalt Argyris[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wkU1ZJ2.gif[/img][/center] Tybalt turned his attention to the man screaming at the top of the hill, judging by the silver weapon in his hand and the boisterous tone, this was very clearly the leader of this band. The man’s pointed words were punctuated by the tip of his blade pointed at Tybalt, the man had assessed the mage as the biggest threat, and was rallying the group to,move on him to attempt to fool his plans. Perfect, his strategy was working, and it did not take it long for their initial rally to immediately falter when the manakete suddenly revealed himself behind the enemy lines. Once more the bandits were thrown into disarray, now being attacked by both the wyvern rider and Manakete from their midst, while he, Diana, and Hiro would be able to push forward. [color=f7976a][b]“Hmn...maybe I over thought this attack…”[/b][/color] Tybalt murmured to himself, tossing another ball of flame into the midst of the barbarians. He could see now that even among their rally, the Manakete’s appearance had synced the inevitable victory for them. However, even with the overwhelming offensive they had completed, there was still one outlier that needed to be addressed. The bandit’s female captive. Glancing to where he had last spotted her, the mage’s eyes popped as he saw the woman tackle a current assailant and go tumbling down the mountain, towards them. If that was not a clear sign the woman was not on the side of the bandits, Tybalt did not know what was. With that in mind, Tybalt knew what he had to do next. [b][color=f7976a]“Diana, I’m going to make my way towards the captive, if you or Hiro cold cover me, we could save--” [/color][/b] His words were cut off when the sound of a whirling hand axe cut him off, spiraling towards his face. Luckily, the mage had enough reaction time to sway to the side of the flying weapon, the item spiraling behind him. Unfortunately, it was enough of a distraction for the suppressing fire to be halted just long enough for an axeman to rush him. With a wicked cleave, Tybalt let out a shriek of pain as an axe buried into his side. [b][color=f7976a]“GAUGH!”[/color][/b] Came from his throat, the sneering bandit trying to wiggle the weapon deeper into his body. However, the bandit’s initial glee from success turned to a wide-eyed pale panic when he realized the enraged spellcaster was not going down. [b][color=f7976a]“You....brutish bastard!”[/color][/b] Tybalt growled, fire wreathing his hand. With a twist of his hips, he pulled the bandit closer to him, before shoving the flaming hand into the axman’s face. There was a brief screaming as the bandit’s head was engulfed in flame, but it did not last long as the Arcfire’s explosive punchline cause the bandit’s head to immediately vaporize and disintegrate, leaving a headless, smouldering corpse to collapse in front of the mage. Tybalt winced as he yanked the axe from his body, throwing the poor quality metal to the ground. He weakly fired another fireball at the advancing squad, though they could probably see that he had been wounded. Blood was staining his robes now, though it was unknown the amount of damage Tybalt had received from the axe swing, the only thing Tybalt did know was that letting up now could spell his end. [b][color=f7976a]“Y..y’know what? I might just stay back and keep suppressing, if someone else could grab the lady.”[/color][/b] He called out weakly, but still having the gumption to blast another advancing axeman with an inferno of fire, forcing the man back towards cover [b][color=f7976a]“And -ungh!- while I’m making requests, Lady Joan? Could you come and lend a hand, please?”[/color][/b]