The explosions would have worked out in his favor eventually, had Corban not used it in his own. Jett's darkness began particles that weaved into the ground upon the small explosions they gave off. As the mist began to emerge around him, he ignored it--he still knew where his enemy was, and Jett knew that he was standing at the same place he had been all this time before. With determination in his eyes, he was prepared for his final attack, the coup de grace. The darkness would begin seeping out of the ground and-- He stopped. [i]"What."[/i] Looking down, he noticed the faint glow of those damned rhinestone diamonds. As if his ears were plugged, he felt the same way with his magic. There was nothing more he could do, even if he tried. He had to get out of this circle of anti-magic. Looking forward, he exhaled, "So now we've resorted to dirty tricks?" He said, even though he was going to use a dirty trick of his own in about five seconds, "How sad of you." He began to back away, attempting to evade the circle that kept his magic at a minimum, "I'm not done yet, Carbon guy, I never will be--" The rest of the breath needed for his sentence was taken out of him as a green colored beam came through the mist like a gargantuan bullet, penetrating his sternum and coming out from the other side. His mouth was left wide open, his eyes staring out into the cloudy horizon before him. He stood there for a long time, as if time had stopped. Then, he fell to his knees. He braced his arm against the large hole that was in his body, vermillian trickling from his lips as his widened eyes became slits. He looked at the ground, breathing softly and jaggedly. The only thing keeping him alive was his sheer will to live, and even that was draining fast. He looked up, hoping that he could catch another glimpse of Corban before he passed on. If their eyes happened to meet, there would be a sign of respect and admiration to the anti-magic man of Carbon. His ears became keen to the sound of the wind blowing against his face, and the pavement that cracked underneath his weight. He even heard the sound of a stray bird, escaping from its pack. The surprise on his face turned into the faintest of smiles--genuine and forced at the same time, "Heh...Good one." The rest of him fell to the ground with a soft thud, his body going limp as his boisterous soul went to see his family again.