[img]http://i.imgur.com/UpxcHFU.jpg?1[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Duncan Ashwell [b]Bio:[/b] Duncan is an assassin-for-hire who has successfully completed every job he's been hired to do. That may sound very impressive, until you hear that he's only done two jobs for the entire four years he's been an assassin, and one of those jobs was just helping an old street vendor move her produce from her home to her stall. Duncan had expected that, with how backstabbing and greedy nobles were, they'd be more than happy to pay for his services. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case as they looked more for experience compared to skill and reliability. So he's moved away from the city and towards the countryside, hoping to find some peasant that's gotten sick and tired of his neighbor planting crops in the wrong field or anyone else that'd be willing to hire him. Duncan is experienced with swords, daggers, bows, and poisons. He's had training in various fighting styles including those created to fight magic-users, large monsters like giants, and heavily armored opponents like knights. Duncan refuses to ever fight anyone or anything though unless he's paid to first, and he'll only accept the pay if he feels it's a fair price.