Something was wrong, Alex could feel it. Something in his blood tingled, made him nauseous. He stood up and left the tavern to look up at the sky. The barrier was in place, but something, something did add up. He was sensing someone or rather something looking down at him, or rather at them. But it wasn’t demonic, they wouldn’t have found him so soon. No, this was a familiar feeling, like them time Marble City was destroyed… destroyed by him… His head ached, placing one hand in hope to relieve himself of some of the pain. And if he was looking for him… then he must also be looking for them. [color=ed1c24]“Bouldy! We’re leaving.”[/color] Alex yelled. Bouldy, who was in the middle of carrying something gave a low, regretful sigh. It seemed that he was enjoying helping and meeting the others. But soon the rocks making his body fell to the floor and the crystal that gave him life flew into Alex’s hand as he mounted his horse and began to head East.