[hider=Ember] Name: Ember [hider=Appearance] [img]http://in1.ccio.co/5D/W4/N2/5627403828740470209798362372n.jpg[/img] As a pixie, Ember is tiny. No bigger than a mug of ale, she can easily rest on the shoulders of a larger race. She is a good looking little lady but face is marked with red tattoos. Her wings are light and seem delicate but are easily able to lift her into the air. She dresses in simple, light armour of natural colours to blend in with the natural environment where she spends most of her time. [/hider] Bio: Like all her people, Ember is insatiably curious and often wanders off to inspect things that peak her interest. But Ember may actually be more inquisitive than a standard pixie. When she was still young, she became fascinated by a band of adventurers who wandered through her woods. She was so curious about them that she didn't even realize that she had followed them for miles until she came to her senses and found that she was lost. The band of adventurers, eventually discovering Ember, took pity on their tiny stalker and invited her to join them on their quest. They would even return her home when their work was done. The adventurers were true to their word and returned Ember to her people. But Ember had discovered a taste for adventure. For excitement. Life in the woods seemed boring by comparison. So she decided to continue this fun new life and struck out on several adventures, both with her new friends and alone. It was while embarking on one such adventure that she came upon a tavern... [/hider]