[@Lexicon] Good question! [list] [*]Most of Vorstag in terms of names and towns will generally have a Germanic touch to them. Their will be changes throughout as regional dialects and the like but generally what most people hear is the Upperclass dialect of Vorstagian that originated around the capital and the central part of the Empire. Since it is also the primarily dialect that the soldiers and military uses. This would be more akin to something like the Northern Germanic languages in our world like Danish. So town names are going to have endings like borg, beck, berg, bru, forth, heim et cetra. And with the names to go along with it like Albin, Alvida, Arvid, Heidi, Hella, et cetra. [*] As you get further away from the Capital into the outer laying provinces in the Northern part of the Empire (the part that borders the North) they have German names and conventions. [*] And on the Southern Coasts of the Empire where the Free Cities used to dwell most people will have more Mediterranean influenced names Italian, Spanish, Greek and the like. As the Free Cities were before they were conquered a hegemony of various different cultures that all sort of intermingled together. [*] With Elves it all depends on what kind of elves your talking about. This is because their are two different Elven Dialects left, one is very old and the other is kind of new, a bastardization of Elvish that Elves in the cities and living with the Humans adopted while the raiders out on the plains untouched by human civilization still speak the more purer dialect. [*]High Speech as the "purer" version of Elvish is known is more akin to Welsh and based on Welsh naming and sentence structure and it's where the Emperor get's his name from. All Vorstagian rulers names are in High Speech because it is supposed to be more regal and the like. [*]The Dialect spoken by the city-elves and those that have integrated in with the humans is more akin to Irish in its naming conventions and the like. [*] In the North the royalty and the rich will speak something akin to straight Anglican so British names and nomenclature but the peasantry speaks something more akin to Scots and will follow Scottish naming conventions for the most part. [*]Dwarves uses runes akin to cyrillic, they mostly speak with something akin to a Russian accent and naming conventions vary highly from keep to keep. Because Dwarves don't give two shits about you. xD [*] And finally everyone communicates with another by knowing their own cultural Language, as well as the Trade Language used by Tinkers and other merchants which is akin to American English. [hr] [@FantasyChic] Yay! Thank you for the heads up! [/list]