[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UsWvi37.gif[/img] [h1]Hiro Anu[/h1] [/center] [hr] Hiro looked around as the bandits had come out of no where, it had been a well placed ambush this entire time and he had to applaud them for managing to accomplish that. However, this as squad Quinque, they had some of the best teamwork that he had ever seen and this certainly would do nothing to dissuade that. The sniper then watched as their leader showed himself, then hearing Tybalt's orders being given out before he had gotten injured. Hiro did notice, however, that Tybalt was in no true danger after that scream of pain. He then proceeded to take a pot shot at a charging raider, landing an arrow straight into the knee of the man. That would hopefully incapacitate the raider before he could truly do anything to harm the squad. Hiro ran back to Tybalt and asked [/b]"Is everything under control over here?"[/b]