Chunks of dirt and grass shot into the air as the axe blade buried itself into the earth, luckily without Mikhail in the way as he rolled to the side towards his lance. Not so much struggling as taking his sweet time, the warrior delayed on removing his weapon from the ground to instead observe his foe's next action. Unfortunately for him, his choice to wait was the wrong choice, as the tip of Mikhail's lance punctured the side of his throat. An attempt at a cry of war and pain came out silent. [color=f7976a][i]What!? An attack from such a vulnerable position!? How could he have thought that would work!?[/i][/color] No matter the likelihood, it was undeniable that the warrior had in fact been struck. He clasped his right hand over the wound and doubled back. However, instead of calling the fight, he reached down and picked up the massive axe with his left hand and lifted it onto his shoulder, ready to retaliate against Mikhail's next move.