[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn[/color] and [color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth[/color] [color=ForestGreen]Daniels[/color] - Crocus[/h2] [@Lunarlors34] As Dawn was escorting his sister from the site of the commotion she'd caused someone stepped in their way. He looked harmless enough with short cropped red hair and green eyes. He was kind of pale and not exactly intimidating but when he asked about their identities as magic users Dawn was instantly on guard. There was only three reasons he would ask such a question, each spoke to his possible identity. He could be an emissary of the Grand Magic Council in which case the twins were about to get a fine for disturbing the peace or something equally ridiculous. Equally possible was that he was a fellow mage or an arcane enthusiast turned up for the Grand Magic Games. The most likely option was that he was another wizard which presented its own set of problems depending on what he wanted and if he was affiliated with a guild or dark guild. Unsure of how to proceed and lacking any information on who this Cody Bloodstein was Dawn decided that proceeding cautiously was his best option. Confirm nothing, deny everything. Being in unfamiliar territory made Dawn nervous especially with how easy it would be for Elizabeth to vanish into the city again. [color=OrangeRed]"Who's askin'?"[/color] Dawn said an unreadable expression on his face. More than likely this man was just a passerby but Dawn had heard stories of dark guilds kidnapping wizards and in a city this big it would be easy for such a crime to go unnoticed. Where his sister was involved Dawn always played it safe. Elizabeth watched the strange man with her head cocked to the side as though trying to determine what species he was. After a few moments she stepped in front of her brother so she was squarely facing the wizard. [color=OrangeRed]"Elizabeth?"[/color] Dawn said reaching up and tracing the sign for her name on the back of his sister's neck. He only ever used her full name when he was trying to protect her from something. Unperturbed by her brother Elizabeth reached up and poked the wizard in the center of his forehead. Her skin was far hotter than the weather around them said it should be but when she made contact with him a sudden transfer of heat occurred between them leaving the area around where she'd touched him a few degrees colder than was natural. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she took a step back from the wizard.