[center][h3][color=92278f]Alexandria Victoria[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AVfS4ld.gif[/img][/center] As the Baroness was catching her breath from her last attackers assult on her, she looked towards the nearby cliffs as muted sounds of steps could be heard. Suddenly to Alexandria a man jumped off the cliff right on top of the pair, the man tried to dropkick Alexandria, but her grip onto the  straps kept her on the Wyvern's back but the trio were losing altitude quickly as Vivienne tried to support the suddenly weight of them all including the man's rough landing. When the man smirked saying they will have a rough landing, Alexandria glared daggers on to the man.  [color=92278f]"Agreed. But will you be stupid enough to hold on to us while we do, THIS!"[/color] Alexandria responded sharply as she pulled on Vivienne's reins as the pair started to fall quickly, Alexandria demanded Vivienne to nosedive off the cliff while spinning down quickly. If they were lucky the bandit would let go and the pair could fly back up but other wise they would die together if he hangs on but at least they died in their usual glamorous way.