[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Amaya Yashia] [@Jangel13][/center] "[color=ed1c24]You're such a pessimist. Relax, breathe. If you go in expecting something bad, it's likely to happen because of something you do." [/color]Joshua said calmly, a smile on his face as he lead to way to the Arena. While he doubted there would be a fight, he was still prepared for on incase someone from Dragon Fang did attack them. It might not necessarily be Master Jack. It could be another member entirely. One never really knew. [center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color] and [color=00aeef]Elyse Yashia[/color][/h2] [@Caits] [@Amaya Yashia] [@Burthstone][/center] Amelia gave Luna a small smile. "[color=fff200]I know I lost my cool a bit during our fight and I apologize for that. But there's nothing for you to apologize for, nor it there reason to call a truce. There was nothing bad against it. I was just a little over eager to prove myself to Mama[/color]." She said. "[color=fff200]Besides, these Games are all combat games. There are bound to be a few injuries. Besides, I got off easy compared to other people[/color]." "[color=00aeef]ICE CREAM! MOMMY, WE GET ICE CREAM[/color]?!" Elyse shouted happily, jumping up and down at the thought. Jamie had definitely made her happy. [center][h2][color=f26522]Pyrrha Arvanitas[/color][/h2] [@lugubrious][@Burthstone][@oblivion666][@liferusher][@Silver Fox][/center] "[color=f26522]Slippery one aren't you[/color]." Pyrrha muttered under her breathe when Zephyr slipped away. When the sonic wave, though punches or bullets were probably more accurate, came her way, she ducked and weaved around them, though the noise they made will hurt her ears and gave her a headache. Once she had a moment to stop moving, she knelt to the ground and placed her hand on it. A small trail of fire moved from her and to Zephyr before circling around him. Once the circle was complete, she had it blow up. The platform they were on wasn't that thick and she had the flames blow it away so that patch Zephyr was on would begin falling to the earth to disqualify him. [center][h2][color=2e3192]Aria[/color][/h2] [@Zarkun][/center] Aria watched the black flames calmly and used them as cover to summon a mirror and slip into the Mirror Dimension. The realm was a literal reflection of Earthland, mimicking everything in it. However, here, Aria was impervious to any danger that threatened her there. So she calmly moved through Jack's flames and moved behind him before making herself another knife and making another mirror, charging out while slashing at Jack's neck.