[center][h3] [color=ed1c24]Hyakuya[/color] [/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mZ8gNtL.gif[/img][/center] The Manakete chuckled in his mind. It was a small scale battle and he managed to... splatter one on the ground. It was something less than pleasurable to him. He wouldn't deny if he said that he wanted more action, more people to kill, but he had to stay his hand and quietly transform back into a human. Although that thought was cut off when he saw Tybalt get hurt from an axe swing. But he did hear what he was saying. To the woman, he says, the female captive. Hyakuya flew up once more and then turned his attention to the woman and bandit fighting. He started to head towards him and he was more or less shocked when he saw the female captive shove her fingers into the bandit's eyesockets. Somewhere inside his mind, he was thinking how utterly disgusting it was for a woman to do but everyone was fully capable of that if they didn't have any weapon to protect one's self with. That was something he learned when he was with his previous teammates back in the war. Even he would be forced to do such an act if his dragonstone was not within reach. Going back to reality, he flew towards her. She was already struggling to head towards Lady Joan who was their resident healer and saw her cough up more blood. Then there was the matter of the blind bandit swinging his knife around like a madman. With one fireball, he finally went down, Or well, he started screaming and howling in pain as the heat got to him and then dropped down on the ground but that was besides the point. He would pick Heike up gently as to not harm her any further. He said nothing, however, as he headed towards Joan and then placed Heike beside their troubadour. [color=ed1c24]"It seems their captive is injured and would most likely need immediate attention."[/color] He told Joan before gesturing to the bleeding woman. His attention would once more divert to another battle. It was Lady Alexandria and her beloved wyvern. It seems the boss has latched on and now the two were nosediving towards the cliff. This would not end well if they would land. He was itching to help but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it so he just landed on the ground and transformed back, thinking that everything was done. [@Snagglepuss89][@GrafRoy Zeppeli]