You thought I would bring one sheet but instead I bring [b]two[/b]. [hider=Gil] [center] [img][/img] [h3][color=gold]"A lotta bang for your buck."[/color][/h3] [b][color=gold]Name:[/color][/b] [i]Gil T. Buckle[/i] [b][color=gold]Title:[/color][/b] [i]Lightning Cowboy[/i] [b][color=gold]Gender:[/color][/b] [i]Male[/i] [b][color=gold]Race:[/color][/b] [i]Human[/i] [b][color=gold]Age:[/color][/b] [i]18[/i] [b][color=gold]Height:[/color][/b] [i]6' 0" / 1.82m[/i] [b][color=gold]Weight:[/color][/b] [i]175lbs / 79.4kg[/i] [b][color=gold]Personality:[/color][/b] [i]Calm, cool, and collected. Gil is a kind young man with a purpose. He believes he has a duty to uphold and as such is no-nonsense with the determination of a thousand men. Many may try to get on his nerves but that is a feat yet to be seen accomplished as even the harshest of insults bounce off of Gil as if he never even heard them. One could say he's a very tolerant person but that wouldn't be completely true. Just because he doesn't get angry doesn't mean he is particularly accepting of everything. In particular he is quite xenophobic. If there is one thing that Gil hates the most it would be Youkai. While he is a rational person and isn't prone to acting without thinking even he cannot mask his distaste for the monsters. Even "good" Youkai don't sit well with him. It is not uncommon for him to make witty remarks in general, but on the topic of Youkai there is always an obvious spite in his sharp words. Aside from Youkai, Gil has no real prejudices. He is annoyed by laziness and silliness, like any diligent and hard working individual would be, but many think that his aloof nature means he is also lazy. That is not the case, something that people will learn quickly if they get lazy when working together with Gil. He is a man on a mission and nothing will get in his way.[/i] [b][color=gold]Short Bio:[/color][/b] [i]Gil is the only son to the esteemed Chaser known as John W. Buckle, or "The Godhand." The former Chaser had gained fame in his youth for his incredible power to slow down time around him, which essentially granted the illusion of super speed and strength. However he had abandoned the YTC cities in hopes of protecting as many people as he could that couldn't afford to live in safety. It was during this journey that he had met the woman who would become Gil's mother and accordingly begins the story of Gil himself. He grew up on the move. His parents were wanderers that traveled across the world and they didn't slow down just because they had a child. Gil was raised to be determined and bold, and he came to idolize his father as the kind of person that this world needed. Someone who was brave and willing to fight against the monsters rather than defend against them. As the years went on he was trained to follow in his father's footsteps, even developing a Manifestation of his own. He was raised to be a true warrior, a paragon of hope against the Youkai. But as fate would have it his family would be destroyed before they could see their dreams fulfilled. Gil's parents fell victim to the Youkai in the middle of the night, preying upon the Buckle family in their sleep. By using a strange power to invade their dreams it was able to kill them in the real world by slaying them in their mind. Gil survived the encounter for that night he did not sleep. In the morning he found his parents were unresponsive and had no pulse, but no outward signs of foul play. The tragedy burdened him greatly, but not so much as to keep him from tricking that same Youkai the next night by pretending to be asleep and consequently killing the monster with his father's gigantic handgun. From that day forward he walked alone, seeking to accomplish his and his father's goal to end the horror on humanity that is the Youkai. And to do that he traveled back to what was left of civilization. He needed resources, connections, and an education. The Akatsuki Academy provided all three...[/i] [b][color=gold]Manifestation:[/color][/b] [hider=Electrokinesis] [i]The ability to generate, manipulate, and be empowered by the element of electricity. Gil has a passive immunity to electrical damage, allowing him to store an electrical charge like a human battery. Due to this internal storage and the fact he can manipulate electricity in the air around him this can lead to massive amounts of electrical energy being generated and used. Gil cannot instantaneously create electricity but he can manipulate existing electricity without any delay. If none is present then he must generate his own, which can take from several seconds for a quick attack to hours on end for an absolutely devastating one. Gil can speed up his power generation by drawing electricity from an external source such as a lightning strike or a power generator. He can magnetize himself or other objects, as well as de-magnetize them, but he cannot magnetically manipulate anything. His control and precision with electricity is so great that he can send highly lethal doses of electricity through a living thing without harming it in order to damage a target touching it. While Gil can charge electricity to stimulate his muscles and increase his physical capabilities, pushing himself beyond the limits of normal human beings, his preferred method of combat is launching electrical attacks from his gun in bullet-like or lightning-like fashion. His accurate range is upwards of a mile and his ranged attacks are far faster than any man-made bullet, making him an excellent sniper. A downside is that, without having a large charge built up prior, Gil can only fire shots once per second, and even then they are relatively weak. Powerful or deadly shots take even longer to charge. When Gil has reached his body's inner storage limit he will achieve a state called "Overload" in which any further electricity he gathers must be contained in the air around him as he has no more space inside his body. By the time he has reached his Overload state he already has generated a frightening amount of energy, but at this point he can no longer have physical contact with anything conductive, including living beings, or they will be automatically electrocuted by the electricity he is maintaining outside his body. It takes Gil approximately thirty minutes of unassisted charging to reach Overload. Once he has reached this state he can only charge for a further thirty minutes before he reaches the limit of his control. Any time spent beyond that is useless as the excess electricity instantly discharges as it is generated, preventing him from amassing any more. Gil can't maintain a charge indefinitely, either. Unused electricity deteriorates, bleeding off into the atmosphere around him as invisible ions over time. When not actively generating electricity it will lose its charge at the same rate it was created to begin with (not including assisted generation). If he spent thirty minutes charging it would take approximately the same to completely lose the charge (not including active use). However, there is a one minute grace period after a charge where it is maintained naturally but then it will begin to deteriorate once the minute is up. So Gil isn't particularly effective as a battery so much as a generator. When he initially begins charging there is only the smell of ozone as a warning, though after five minutes there will be sparks that flicker intermittently around his body.[/i] [/hider] [b][color=gold]Weapons:[/color][/b] [hider=Aerok][img][/img] [i]A large, double-barreled revolver. Weighing over twenty pounds and firing a hefty .60 caliber bullet, this monstrous handgun is more like a hand cannon than anything else. Gil uses both standard full metal jacket rounds and Zetsu bullets, depending on whether he has a "soft" target or a "hard" target. Capable of firing two shots at once, but only capable of holding four rounds in the cylinder at a time. If there are no bullets in the cylinder the gun can be used as a medium for Gil's powers. This allows him to fire electrical bullets or even whole lightning bolts from the gun. Aside from its use as a firearm the sheer sturdiness of it allows it to be safely used for bashing or battering the enemy. So, of course, Gil has a habit of beating his foes with an unloaded Aerok if he feels using his electrokinesis would be overkill.[/i] [/hider] [b][color=gold]Equipment:[/color][/b] [i]For the most part Gil doesn't keep much on his person aside from basics such as his wallet and a phone. Certainly nothing special or noteworthy.[/i] [b][color=gold]Other:[/color][/b] [i][url=]The Lone Cowboy[/url] [url=]Electrifying Battle[/url][/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Erisa] [center] [img][/img] [h3][color=gray]"I can help too..."[/color][/h3] [b][color=gray]Name:[/color][/b] [i]Erisa[/i] [b][color=gray]Title:[/color][/b] [i]Snapdragon[/i] [b][color=gray]Gender:[/color][/b] [i]Female[/i] [b][color=gray]Race:[/color][/b] [i]Youkai; Poisonous Flower Spirit[/i] [b][color=gray]Age:[/color][/b] [i]16[/i] [b][color=gray]Height:[/color][/b] [i]5'3" / 1.60m[/i] [b][color=gray]Weight:[/color][/b] [i]108lbs / 49kg[/i] [b][color=gray]Personality:[/color][/b] [i]Though rather quiet and shy, Erisa longs for company and friendship. Her timid nature is counter-intuitive to that end but she truly attempts to overcome this flaw. A difficult task, considering the general hatred that many give her when they discover what she truly is. She fears being cast out and alone, particularly of being alone. It isn't that she worries for her safety so much as the loneliness itself. When Erisa sees people being together and smiling she grows envious. While she isn't very good at smiling nor does she attempt to very often, Erisa can be light hearted when given the opportunity. Granted her face isn't very expressive and others can have a hard time reading her emotions because of it, but that doesn't mean she can't be happy at times. She likes to pay attention to the personalities of those around her, one of the reasons she likes humans despite many not reciprocating that feeling. One of her goals is to learn to be more expressive and to become more outgoing and aggressive, but she still has a ways to go on all fronts. At least she is confident in her fighting ability.[/i] [b][color=gray]Short Bio:[/color][/b] [i]Erisa was not conceived out of love, lust, or misfortune. Instead she was born out of necessity. Unlike humans who reproduce to maintain their population, Flower Spirits are beings that are created by nature itself from the spiritual energy of the fauna of the world. Erisa is a special case on several counts. She is the first Flower Spirit to be born in over fifty years and she has a rare set of offensive abilities that embodies the dangerous aspects of plants: poison. Flower Spirits are typically benevolent in nature and their natural abilities reflect that, but while Erisa maintains the common disposition she is most certainly not a harmless "wood fairy". The world has changed. It has become desolate and harsh. As unforgiving as it has been for mankind it has been just as bad for plantlife. Erisa's creation was a necessary evolution for the natural world. For Flower Spirits to survive among the dark skies and beastly Youkai that claim the land, they will have to defend themselves. Erisa had no name for the longest time. She was alone in a forest, being raised by the flowers and the trees. For they could not speak she had no need for a name. It wasn't until she ventured away from her familiar home, to seek her purpose in this world, did she ever get a name. Her first encounter with humans was a positive one, something which would greatly affect how she is today. Being so humanoid that it was easy to mistake her as a human she was welcomed by a small village that had believed she was just a little girl. They gave her clothes, a name, and even taught her how to speak. She would stay with an elderly couple in this village for three months before they realized she was a Youkai. By this point they had become accustomed to her and couldn't bear to cast out or even harm the sweet little Erisa. In fact it seemed she was beneficial to the village for her powers could defend them from the more sinister monsters of the night. Erisa stayed in this village for two years before deciding she had to move on. She had a purpose in life, as unsure of it as she was, and felt naturally compelled to leave. With only her instincts to guide her she eventually made her way to one of the cities run by the YTC. Initially she was refused access, but her curiosity made her enter without permission. She found the humans here much less desirable than the ones she met before, though she was equally enthralled with their behaviors as she was bothered by them. However they were also rather bothered by her. It wasn't a very hospitable place yet Erisa was determined to stay. She couldn't even understand why she felt this way, like she had to go against the grain. One night, sometime around when she was fifteen years old, it came to her in a dream. She realized what her purpose was. The reason she was born with her unusual powers. It was to reclaim the sky: to clear the clouds and bring back the blue atmosphere. The plants of the world have been slowly dying, between the stress of the new world and the lack of sunshine. Erisa was born as nature's attempt at restoring its original state. A new kind of spirit to bring balance to the chaotic world. Like a bright, desirable flower she had evolved to become poisonous to defend her beauty. With this great revelation bestowed upon her, Erisa steeled herself to become stronger. Her attraction to humans wasn't simply out of curiosity but also an instinctual understanding of their mutual problems. She, too, desired to fight back against the eternal darkness. To that end she decided to fight with humanity and so she joined the Akatsuki Academy to hone her skills and learn more about what humans really are.[/i] [b][color=gray]Manifestation:[/color][/b] [hider=Poisonous Flower Spirit] [i]As a flower spirit one can expect Erisa to be rather in-tune with nature. Inherently she can empathize with plants and "feel" their emotions and needs. Due to the circumstances of her "birth", Erisa is specifically a Poisonous Flower Spirit. She can naturally create various toxins and poisonous plant-life. The toxins she creates in her body can only be afflicted to her enemies by touch, but any plants she makes can extend that range in a way. The only non-contact method she has of poisoning her foes is by creating plants that exude airborne spores. Erisa's poisons are usually non-lethal and target the nervous system, but she can make poisons so powerful that they become corrosive acid that will destroy metal just as easily as flesh.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Twin Dragons] [i]Erisa embodies the power of poisonous plants. Aside from her inherent abilities as a Flower Spirit, she can also create two extra limbs from her back that serve as both an offense and defense. These limbs, made of plant matter, are both significantly larger than Erisa is herself, being able to extend up to 10m at maximum length but typically stay at 3m. Rather than having hands at the end they instead have large jaws. These jaws, referred to as "Dragons", can secrete a corrosive poison that allows them to bite through most metals and all organic material. Likewise they can clamp down on objects to hold them in place or even lift them if they aren't too large. Erisa can use them to get around, such as climbing buildings, but primarily they serve as her close-range method of attack. The Dragons are incredibly fast and reflexive, hence the nickname "Snapdragon." It takes less than a second for Erisa to manifest these Dragons and they can act independently from what Erisa's arms are doing. Meaning she can use her arms for other things, such as her bow, while the Dragons defend her. While they generally have to bite something to be able to inflict heavy damage with their corrosive poison, the Dragons can also spray the poison they secrete into the air in a mist. The range isn't particularly impressive but it is still a further extension of their effective range. While the Dragons are lightning fast they aren't particularly sturdy, being made of fibrous plant matter. Blunt force does little to them, but sharp blades can slash away at them. Granted Erisa can regenerate them if they are damaged but it is not instantaneous. If their jaws were to be cut off then she would be largely defenseless for a few seconds, aside from her bow.[/i][/hider] [b][color=gray]Weapons:[/color][/b] [hider=Apollo Mk III] [i]The FLUX bow depicted in the character appearance. A large and powerful bow that is sturdy enough to be used as a melee weapon if need be and capable of launching physical arrows or Zetsu arrows over a mile away. This stopping power provides high penetration, often putting arrows entirely through a target rather than embedding them in it. Erisa typically uses arrows made of her Zetsu but keeps a few large, steel arrows in a quiver. These arrows are special-made to be drenched in her corrosive poison and not fall apart, to further add destructive value to their victims. The bow is noted to not be particularly stealthy as the sheer power behind it creates a loud "crack-ow" sound whenever an arrow is launched. This is the third bow given to Erisa by the Akatsuki Academy. The first two were both broken in clashes with Youkai, prompting the Academy to design a sturdier weapon that could handle Erisa's natural strength and handle being used rather roughly in the case of a fight with another supernatural being.[/i][/hider] [b][color=gray]Equipment:[/color][/b] [i]There is usually little more than her clothes, bow, and quiver on Erisa's person. However she often will have a bright-colored flower in her hair at random times. It holds no particular value but it serves as Erisa's attempt at fitting in with humans by being more personable in her looks.[/i] [b][color=gray]Other:[/color][/b] [i][url=]Bright Flower[/url] [url=]Snapdragon Bites[/url][/i] [/center] [/hider]